भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Dr Mukesh K. Dhillon, Head & Principal Scientist
  • Significant research contributions have been made in deciphering mechanisms and physico-chemical basis of host plant resistance to insects (Dhillon and Sharma, 2004; Dhillon et al., 2005a, b, c; 2006a, b, c; Dhillon and Choudhary, 2015, 2018; Dhillon and Kumar, 2017, 2020; Bhoi et al., 2021; Samal et al., 2021; Yele et al., 2021; Samal et al., 2022; Sau et al., 2022; Singh and Dhillon, 2022), inheritance of resistance to insects (Dhillon et al., 2006; Sharma et al., 2007); and identified several diverse sources of resistance in maize and sorghum against Chilo partellus and Atherigona soccata, and mustard against Lipaphis erysimi (Dhillon et al., 2005a, b; 2006c, d; Dhillon and Gujar, 2013; Samal et al., 2021; Samal et al., 2022), and Bactrocera cucurbitae in bitter gourd (Dhillon et al., 2005a, b), to develop pest resistant varieties for sustainable crop production. 
  • Determined mechanisms and factors governing induction and termination of diapause (Dhillon et al., 2017; 2019a), developed temperature-based development models for diapausing larvae (Dhillon and Hasan, 2017), post-diapause reproductive physiology (Dhillon and Hasan, 2018; Dhillon et al., 2019b), diapause induced changes in biochemical profiles (Tanwar et al., 2021), and genetics and inheritance of diapause in C. partellus (Dhillon et al., 2020), which will be highly useful for predicting the occurrence, seasonal emergence, number of generations and population dynamics of C. partellus. The whole genome sequencing of spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus has also been attempted for the first time which reveals multiple genes encoding enzymes for detoxification of insecticides (Dhillon et al., 2022), and will be useful genomic information to further identify and elucidate genes responsible for various biological and physiological functions, and open new avenues for developing alternate techniques for the management of C. partellus.
  • Mapped phenotypic and biochemical variability and established different biotypes of C. partellus in different agroecological regions of India (Dhillon et al., 2021, 2022; Samal et al., 2022). New techniques for biochemical insect-plant interactions such as HPLC-PDA based amino acids (Dhillon et al., 2014) and GC-MS based lipophilic metabolite profiling methods (Kumar and Dhillon, 2015) for different plant parts and insect pests, various bioassay and screening techniques for host plant resistance to insect pests in maize, sorghum, chickpea, pigeonpea, cotton, groundnut and rapeseed-mustard have also been developed (Dhillon et al., 2005; Sharma et al., 2006; Dhillon et al., 2018), and developed a technique for storage of Helicoverpa armigera eggs (Dhillon and Sharma, 2007). 
  • Developed methods for direct, indirect and long-term effects of Bt-transgenic crops on non-target arthropods and arthropod diversity; and deciphered effects of Bt-transgenic crops on non-target organisms under laboratory and field conditions (Dhillon et al., 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013; Sharma et al., 2008; Dhillon et al., 2012; 2013). Mass rearing and bioassay techniques for larval parasitoid (Campoletis chlorideae) and predatory beetle (Cheilomenes sexmaculatus) were developed (Dhillon and Sharma, 2007, 2009, 2011; Dhillon et al., 2008).
  • Apart from research, has also been involved in R&D such as development and release of first double zero mustard variety (Pusa Double Zero Mustard 31) possessing low erucic acid (<2%) in oil and low glucosinolates (<30ppm/g) in seed meal cake, two other rapeseed-mustard varieties (Pusa Mustard 32 and Pusa Double Zero Mustard 33), and one maize hybrid (PJHM-1). 
  • Presently working on insect-plant interactions and molecular insights to understand the resistance mechanisms in maize against Chilo partellus and Spodoptera frugiperda; insect-plant interactions in rapeseed-mustard against aphids and their management; and physiological and molecular insights on diapause in Chilo partellus
  • Published more than 200 papers with over 90 research papers in peer reviewed international and national journals. 
  • Actively involved in teaching, student’s research guidance and extension activities of the Institute. 
  • Earned and implemented several research projects from the funding agencies like DBT, DST and ICAR. 
  • Recipient of ICAR Jawaharlal Nehru Award for Postgraduate Agricultural Research, 2005; DEF Young Scientist Award 2006 by Academy of Environmental Biology, Lucknow; XXIV ICE Travel Award 2012, Daegu, South Korea; Best ICAR-AICRP-Rapeseed Mustard Team Award 2017; The Professor T.N. Ananthakrishnan Senior Scientist Award for the biennium 2016-2017 by Prof. T.N. Ananthakrishnan Foundation; Co-chairman, Organizing Committee, International Plant Protection Congress 2019; International Plant Protection Congress Award for Scientific Achievement 2019 by International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68583-0816, USA; Prof. G. S. Shukla Award 2020 by The Academy of Environmental Biology, Lucknow; ESI Senior Scientist Award 2021 by Entomological Society of India, IARI, New Delhi.
  • Fellow of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Royal Entomological Society, London, UK, Entomological Society of India, Academy of Environmental Biology, and Plant Protection Association of India.
Dr. S. Subramanian, Principal Scientist

Dr. S. Subramanian has specialization in the field of Insect Physiology and Molecular Biology with over 28 years of experience in Research, Teaching and Extension; obtained  national and international research grants (>5 crores); development of novel products and technologies (3). His significant contributions include molecular characterization of insecticide/fumigant resistance in insects, discovery of a new gene associated with phosphine resistance in four storage insect pests, characterization of gut microbes of key insect pests and Insect pest management techniques and beneficial insects. He has submitted over 1200 GenBank accessions related to molecular characterization of insects and of gut bacterial isolates from insects. 

Significant Research contributions 

  1. Insect Physiology & Molecular Entomology

Gut microbiome of insects

  • Molecular characterization of gut bacterial isolates [ > 400 No.] from beneficial insects : Honey bee Apis mellifera, Silkworm Bombyx mori, Eri Silk worm, Samia ricini, and Muga silkworm Antheraea assamensis
  • Molecular characterization of gut bacterial isolates (from insect pests viz., Bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera, Plutella xylostella Lepidiota manseuta, Anomola spp. Anomola dimidiata etc [ > 200]
  • Metagenomics of key insect pests 

Molecular characterization of insecticide resistance

  • Characterization of rph 1 gene (cytochrome desaturase) associated with phosphine resistance in key stored product insect pests 
  • Characterization of endosymbionts linked with insecticide resistance
  • Molecular and biochemical basis of phosphine resistance in ey stored product insect pests

Molecular characterization of insect populations

  • Molecular diversity of whitefly B.tabaci genetic groups and their associated endosymbionts
  • Population genetics of Sitophilous oryzae infesting stored food grains 
  • Profiing the diversity of Wolbachia in major stored product insect pests

Virus vector interaction

  • Virus vector interactions in whitefly genetic groups Asia I and Asia II-1
  • Characterization of virus vector interactions mediated by volatile organic compounds with respect of B.tabaci and Begomovirus

B. Insecticide Toxicology

  • Characterization of insecticide resistance in Indian populations of Whitefly B.tabaci
  • Characterization of phosphine resistance in key stored product insect pests
  • Development of molecular diagnostic kit for detection of phosphine resistance in insect pests


  • Development of Insect Pest Management module for summer irrigated cotton in Tamil Nadu
  • Associated with the development of cotton varieties resistant to jassids :SVPR-2 & SVPR -3 suitable for cultivation in for Southern India

D. Beneficial insects

  • Development of a Phyto juvenoid formulation, Ilamathi for higher silk yield 
  • Development of novel probiotic isolates for mulberry silkworm 
  • Development of novel probiotic isolates for Muga silkworm 
  • Development of an Integrated Disease Management package for silkworm diseases 
  • Development of a probiotic consortium for honey bee Apis mellifera


  • Teaching experience of >20 years in handling courses for UG/PG/Ph.D degree programmes 
  • Teaching advanced courses in Insect physiology and Molecular Entomology to the students and capacity building of students through niche training programmes
Dr. G K Mahapatro, Principal Scientist & National fellow ICAR (2011-17)

He is the former Head at ICAR-IARI Regional Station, Pune. His contribution is related to Termite R&D in Indian agriculture, supported by extensive survey, collection and compilation of relevant ITKs, Indian termite faunistic listing (261 spp.) & termite-distribution mapping, morpho-taxonomy, molecular characterization, developing seed-treatment packages in five major crops (maize, wheat, groundnut, chickpea and soybean) and devising a significant novel Pusa-Push-Pull (3P4C) eco-technology for termite management in maize-wheat agro-ecosystem. Post-innovation, the technology is validated and demonstrated at IARI-ATIC. Awareness creating campaigns/ programmes, field demonstrations, exhibitions, etc., are conducted for capacity building for the farming community and others. In addition >100 publications from this single NF Project, the most significant impact is the exclusive website https://termitexpert.in (>8.7 lakh hits, right now) - a milestone achievement from a standalone project based on basic and applied aspects reaching the end-users decisively through the portal digitally.

 His other contributions are Ant technology in cashew, cashew variety Poornima, genotypes, papaya ring spot virus tolerant variety ‘Pusa Madhu’ (PS-3), germplasm registered papaya lines PS-2 and PS-5, tomato line Seelction-24; bar-coding/ accession numbers for 68 insects (NCBI Genbank). He has more than 22 years of teaching experience, guided 4 Ph.D. and 3 M.Sc. students, and ongoing 5 Ph.D. students on Roll;  at ICAR – IARI, New Delhi.

Total publication Nos. 352 (100 research articles); 36 lead talks/lectures.

 Contribution to the scientific advancement:

 Database development:

  • Developed an exclusive website on www.termitexpert.in
  • Termite faunistic list of India (261-spp, 51-Genera, 7 Fam.).
  • Reported Heterotermes indicola – a serious termite as an urban pest from Delhi.

·         Gene sequencing accession numbers for 24 Indian termites: acquired from GenBank.

·         Associated fungi in the fungal combs: 10 accessions acquired NCBI GenBank.

  • Pusa Push-pull-strategy  (3P4C)

Innovated an eco-technology for termite management in wheat-maize agro-ecosystem, i.e. attained with crop residues (pull-site, maize stubbles) and main/target crop (push-site, wheat-rows). 3P4C can lead to the End-Of-Pipe (EOP) technique in effective biopesticides in termite control.

  • Termiticides used in target-crops (wheat, barley, gram & lentil – rabi & maize – kharif crops), were analysed for residues in the harvested commodities; residues were found below detectable levels (BDL) implying safety aspects of termiticides recommended.
  • Seed treatment packages for 5 major crops (wheat, maize, soybean, groundnut & chickpea).
  • Papaya ring spot virus tolerant two lines PS 2 & 5 are registered in NBPGR Germplasm Regd Committee (2020-21).
  • MoU inked between IARi RS Pune & IISER Pune (2021).
  • PATENT (IPA No 1618/DEL/2008); Publication Date: 16/04/2010. The Patent Office Journal, Part I, 16th, page no.15. (Co-inventor): Methodology and composition of artificial diet for mass rearing of lepidopteran pests (in particular Helicoverpa armigera, Spodoptera litura and Earias vittella)..
  • Tomato transgenic-lines resistant against H. armigera (DBT-project) developed (JNU & ICGEG - main centres) by incorporating the DNA locus encoding 58kDa insecticidal groEL protein and 17kDa insecticidal Pilin subunit of Xenorhabdus nematophila using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation.
  • Reported for the first time in India, a unique record of chloropid pest (rice stem fly Anatrichus erinaceus Loew, Fam - Diptera)(2009).
  • Identified an induced genotype of cashew by gamma radiation with highest record nut weight in India. Stated Species-spectrum of ants and spiders in cashew ecosystem of Kerala.
  • Initiated Ant-technology in India. Articles in Curr. Sci., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. India Sect. B. Biol. Sci. Cashew Bulletin, & Cover-page of Online journal Cashew Week (www.commodityIndia.com).
  • Methodology for screening cashew genotypes for tea mosquito bug infestation.
  • Methodology for damage scoring for tea mosquito bug infestation.
  • Crop-modeling/ Forewarning for insect pest management.
  •  Vegetable Farmers Forum – Admin and Founder.
Dr. Suresh M Nebapure, Senior Scientist

Significant achievements:

Dr Suresh M Nebapure’s research is mainly focused on insect toxicology and chemical ecology. The research in insect toxicology is mainly concentrated on efficacy of synthetic and botanical insecticides, fumigants against pests of economic importance including field crop and storage insects pests. 

Insect semiochemical research:

  1. Male specific plant volatiles for Maize stem borer, Chilo partellusSix new electrophysiologically active plant volatiles viz., toluene, 2-ethyl-1-hexanol, 4-hydroxy4-methyl-2-pentanone, 1,4-diclorobenzene, p-isopropyl benzaldehyde (cuminaldehyde) and p-xylene for male Chilo partellus have been identified. 
  2. Identified the synomones (volatiles from cowpea plant) and kairomones (volatiles from aphid body) playing a vital role in orientation behaviour of Coccinella transversalis to locate its pray, the cowpea aphid Aphis craccivora: Octane, 5-ethyl-2-methyl-nonane, 5-butyl-tetracosyl acetate found to be responsible to elicite attraction behavior in adult beetles of C. transversalis.
  3. Semiochemicals of spotted pod borer, Maruca vitrata: Extraction and isolation of Legume pod borer pheromone revealed the presence of major component i.e. (E,E)-10,12-hexadecadienal along with three minor components. Electroantennography (EAG) evaluation revealed a significant response by male antenna to  major component (E,E)-10,12-hexadecadienal (-5.87 mV) followed by (E)-10-hexadecanal (-5.08 mV) at 200 ng/µl concentration.
  4. Semiochemicals of Blister beetle, Mylabris pustulata: Electrophysiologically active plant volatiles such as eucalyptol nerolat and benzyl acetate were identifies. Lure were developed using eucalyptol, benzaldehyde, benzyl acetate, and nerol and field evaluation revealed benzaldehyde and benzyl acetate as effective attractant for adult blister beetles.
  5. Exploration of essential oils for sustainable management of whitefly, Bemisia tabaciOil-in-water (O/W) formulations (47.6%) of five different essential oils were prepared and evaluated against B. tabaci to determine their contact toxicity potential and phytotoxicity. Palmarosa oil displayed the maximum contact toxicity with LC50 and LC90 values of 0.241 and 0.658% respectively at 24 h and 0.142 and 0.398 % at 48 h after exposure period. Geranium oil showed high phytotoxicity at 0.125% concentration in brinjal leaves whereas the eucalyptus and pine oils did not exhibit any phytotoxicity effect. 
  6. Identification of new fumigant molecules for storage pest management: Potential new fumigant candidates, carvacrol & fenchone, a monoterpenoid class compounds and trans-anethole, a phenylpropanoid against storage pest Callosobruchus maculatus have been identified. Their effect on detoxifying enzymes viz., esterases and Cytochrome P450 enzymes has been reported.

Insecticidal activity of the essential oil of Cymbopogon flexuosus against whitefly Bemisia tabaciWe extracted and chemoprofiled essential oil from leaves of Cymbopogon flexuosus wherein geranial (47.3%) and neral (34.7%) found to be major constituents. Contact toxicity and oviposition deterrence activity was evaluated against B. tabaci which revealed Citral as bioactive molecule.

Dr. Shashank P.R, Senior Scientist

Significant achievements: (500 words with supporting publications or any references; no need to add detailed references here)

Dr. Shashank’s research mainly focuses on insect taxonomy and invasive insect pest management for the past ten years and published more than 45 publications in reputed journals. Till now, he is involved in describing 6 new species and two new genera, 9 new records to India, 4 new host records, 20 new range records, and 4 checklists for Lepidoptera and Cicadellidae groups. His expertise in DNA barcoding of insect pests generated more than 500 DNA-Barcodes which aid in the authentic identification of domestic and invasive insect pests.

1.  Insect taxonomy and pest diagnostics: IARI-National Pusa Collection (NPC) is a 100 years old national repository for agricultural insect pests.

a.  He is responsible for collection, curation, and identification of order Lepidoptera in NPC and from 2013 to 2020, he has provided Insect Pest Diagnostic Services for more than 40 national institutes/universities by identifying 1619 specimens. He conceptualized and developed the website www.npc.iari.res.in  comprises details on about NPC, facilities, people, collaborations, databases and publications. Till now more than 13811 unique visitors have visited the NPC website from worldwide.

b.  A new pest species, Conogethes sahyadriensis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), feeding by boring stem and capsules on cardamom, was described from India. The new species was discovered by behavioural differences, diagnostic morphology as well as by molecular phylogenetic data. This species identified from cryptic species complex of Conogethes punctiferalis feeding on different hosts. This work influenced development of new pest management methods in Cardamom (Shashank et al., 2014a, 2014b and 2018).

c. New pest species leaf webworm, Acria meyricki (Lepidoptera: Depressariidae) on oil palm, was described from India along with species checklist and diagnostic keys for Indian species (Shashank et al. 2015). Yield loss of up to 34% is reported from this pest at present and the discovery of new species helped in developing species-specific pest management strategies.

d. He received DST-Start Up Research Grant (Young Scientist) for the taxonomic revision of subfamily Plusiinae, one of the agriculturally important group. Taxonomic accounts of 31 species with adult images, species diagnostic characters, collection localities, detailed distributions and reported larval host plants were studied. For the first time, a barcode library for 25 species of Indian Plusiinae was developed. He also published online taxonomic database "Plusiinae of India" (http://npc.iari.res.in/plusiinae/index.php). Till now, more than 3074 unique visitors have visited this database from worldwide (Shashank and Roni, 2014; Twinkle et al., 2020).

e. A new species, Acria meyricki infesting oil palm and causing a yield loss of up to 34%, was described from Andhra Pradesh, India.

f.  He studied molecular diversity of T. absoluta, Leucinodes orbonalis (Brinjal shoot & fruit borer), and Maruca vitrata (Legume pod borer) (Shashank et al. 2015; 2018 and Chatterjee et al. 2019). Developed mtCOI based species-specific marker for precise identification of Conogethes punctiferalis and Conogethes sahyadriensis, these markers will help in rapid, morphological and life-stage independent identification of both species (Kammar et al., 2021)

2.  Invasive insect pests: South American tomato pinworm, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), one of the destructive invasive pest reported for the first time in India and provided rapid action plan for its management throughout India (Shashank et al., 2015). Also initiated nationwide survey, monitoring, invasion risk analysis (Fand et al., 2020) and pest management deliberations in the country on this invasive pest. Identified and involved in first record of Invasive fall army worm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) from Nepal (Bajracharya et al., 2019), detection of ‘R-Strain’ of S. frugiperda (Mahadeva Swamy et al., 2018) from India and report of mango fruit borer, Citripestis eutraphera (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) from Main land India (Jayanthi et al., 2014).

Dr Rajna S, Scientist

Significant achievements: (500 words with supporting publications or any references; no need to add detailed references here)

 Dr Rajna’s research mainly focuses on insect toxicology and integrated pest management in rice. She has expertise in rearing of insects in lab conditions and also has hands on experience in insecticide resistance studies of economically important insect pests.

Insect Toxicology:

  1. Identified different genetic groups of cotton whitefly, Bemisia tabaci from India and analyzed the mitotype diversity (Ramesh et al., 2023).
  2. Conducted a bibliometric study of insecticide resistance research on whitefly carried out globally from 2010 to 2020 using 1198 research articles and identified the most common research focus areas which can provide insights for directing future research on whitefly insecticide resistance that has potential implications for farming across the world (Rajna et al., 2021).
  3. Identified low to moderate level of resistance of Asia II 1 genetic group of Bemisia tabaci against cyprmethrin and imidacloprid insecticides. Also, suggested a diamide insecticide, cyantraniliprole as an alternative for imidacloprid resistant populations of B. tabaci (Rajna et al., 2021).
  4. Studied the insecticide resistance mechanism of imidacloprid and the results showed that cytochrome P450 monooxygenases as the major enzyme responsible for imidacloprid resistance in B. tabaci. The relative gene expression of three cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (CYP) genes viz., CYP6CM1, CYP4C64, CYP4CX1 were analysed in Asia II 1 population confirmed their role in imidacloprid resistance in Bemisia tabaci Asia II1.
  5. Insecticide susceptibility studies in rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens revealed high susceptibility to triflumezopyrim and low susceptibility to imidacloprid.  Sublethal concentrations of triflumezopyrim showed significant difference in biological and biochemical parameters of N. lugens.
  6. A commercial formulation of chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC was tested against second instar nymphs of desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria and found that the chemical is highy effective with an LC50 value of 27.17 mg/l.  Besides, the antifeedant activity of neem oil was also confirmed (Dey et al., 2021).

Rice IPM and Ecology

  1. Studied the spatial distribution of rice planthoppers, Nilaparvata lugens and Sogatella furcifera together, rice leaf folder Cnaphalocrocismedinalis and found that planthoppers had aggregation as dominant type of distribution pattern, while leaf folder followed random distribution. The major predators were also observed to follow aggregated distribution on the crop.Diversity analysis found that spiders were dominant during early crop stages, while mirid bug dominated during post-flowering period (Rajna et al., 2013)
  2.  A sequential sampling plan was formulated for rice planthoppers with and without consideration to predation by spiders and mirid bugs, which would be helpful in avoiding unwarranted pesticide application (Rajna et al., 2013).
  3.  Evaluated of rice germplasms against brown planthopper, Nilaparavta lugens
  4. Identified a new association of the potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thomas with the wheat crop. Life table parameters were also studied for M. euphorbiae and Rhopalosiphum padi fed on wheat foliage (Venkatesh et al., 2023).
  5. Compared the pest and natural enemy incidence in direct seeded and transplanted rice and found that the pest and natural enemy incidence is more in transplanted rice, might be due to the better crop stand in the field.
Dr. Nithya Chandran, Scientist

Dr. Nithya Chandran is presently engaged in research into the taxonomy of the Coleoptera order of insects. Has more than 7 years of experience in the taxonomy of Coleoptera, with a focus on the family Elateridae. She has published more than 20 Research papers in diverse fields of Entomology. She was awarded a Core Research Grant from DST-SERB.

 Insect Taxonomy:

a. Cryptalaus nodulosus (Waterhouse, 1877) (Coleoptera: Elateridae), new combination was proposed for Alaus nodulosus Waterhouse, 1877 and provided the first precise collection records of this species and the first known specimens in 113 years. It was also recorded for the first time outside the Andaman Islands, from the Nicobar Islands, India. Cryptalaus nodulosus was redescribed along with illustrations of the habitus, external morphology, and male genitalia. (Nithya Chandran and Dubey, 2020)

b. A new species, Lanelater andamanensis (Coleoptera: Elateridae), was described from Little Andaman Island, India. Lanelater Arnett is recorded from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands for the first time. This species is most similar to the Indonesian species Lanelater sobrinus (Cand`eze, 1887), but differs in other morphological characters. (Nithya Chandran and Dubey, 2021)

c. A new host record of Xylotrechus smei (Laporte de Castelnau & Gory, 1841) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), infestation on red sanders for the first time in two plantations located in Telangana, India.  Infestation was characterized by gradual chlorosis starting from the lower crown followed by complete dying of standing trees, presence of galleries and bore holes in cut stems. In addition, supplementary description of X. smei, including the terminal abdominal segments and genitalia of the sexes, immatures and its illustrations are provided for more authentic identification of this important pest. Further, the identity of the insect as X. smei was confirmed through mtCOI based DNA barcode. Phylogenetic and sequence divergence analyses based on partial mtCOI gene sequence showed that X. smei isolate obtained in the current study was closely related to X. smei isolate WA13 10.01r that was intercepted in wood packaging material in one of the ports of entry of the United States (U.S.) (Kavi, et al, 2022).

d. Scymnus (Scymnus) arciformis Chen, Wang, and Ren (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) was reported for the first time from India, from a mango (Mangifera indica L.; Anacardiaceae) tree in Jharkhand heavily infested with leafhoppers with this addition, the number of species of S. (Scymnus) in the Indian fauna has increased to nine. (Reddy et al, 2023)

Identification Services: Has identified more than 800 specimens of different families of Coleoptera for the various State Agricultural University, ICAR institutes, Quarantine stations and others.

Dr. Mogili Ramaiah, Scientist

Significant achievements: 

Dr Mogili Ramaiah research mainly focuses on Insect Taxonomy and Insect Physiology. He has expertise in rearing of insects in lab conditions. The research in insect taxonomy is mainly concentrated on Hemiptera order of insects (Family Cicadellidae). He received the ICAR-IARI Merit medal as well as Dr. S Guruprasad Pradhan Gold medal during 61st Convocation of ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi for his excellent academic, research work records from his Ph.D. programme. He has published more than 10 Research papers in diverse fields of Entomology in national and international journals and over 40 popular articles, book chapters, and technical bulletins. He is also a Life member of Entomological Society of India. Furthermore, He is the Associate Editor for the Indian Journal of Entomology and Indian Entomologist Magazine. Dr Ramaiah’s specialization is in Insect Taxonomy and Insect Physiology.

Insect Taxonomy:

  1. A new genus of bamboo feeding leafhopper, Bambuphaga (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Delcephalinae) with Bambuphaga balajii from India (Andhra Pradesh) as the type species was described placed in the tribe Punctulini and an annotated checklist to the tribe was provided (Ramaiah et al., 2023).
  2. A new leafhopper species, Mukariella viraktamathi was described from India along with a distinct morphological variant (Ramaiah et al., 2023).
  3. Integrative Approaches Establish Colour Polymorphism in the Bamboo-Feeding Leafhopper Mukaria splendida Distant (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) from India (Ramaiah et al., 2023).
  4. Earhead worm, Autoba silicula (Swinhoe, 1897) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) was recorded for the first time in India on Maize (Ramaiah et al., 2023). 
  5. A new leafhopper species, Myittana (Myittana) bidentata (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) was described from India (Pantnagar, Uttarakhand). An annotated species checklist of the genus and key to species of the subgenus Myittana (Myittana) were also provided (Ramaiah and Meshram, 2021).

Insect Physiology

  1. Rearing of Rice swarming caterpillar, Spodoptera maurita Boisduval (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on chickpea based artificial diet has been attempted and the comparative biology was analyzed on both natural and artificial diet (Ramaiah and Uma Maheswari, 2023).
  2. Four species of Spodoptera (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera) viz., S. litura (F.), S. mauritia Boisduval, S. exigua (Hub.) and S. frugiperda (J.E. Smith) were reared on castor, rice, chickpea and on artificial diet, respectively under laboratory conditions and the observations on the geometrics of growth in terms of width of head capsule (widest head width) confirming to Dyar’s law were made (Ramaiah et al., 2020)
  3. Studied the biology, morphology and morphometrics of economically important Spodoptera spp. (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera) such as S. litura (F.) (Ramaiah and Uma Maheswari, 2018), S. mauritia Boisduval (Ramaiah and Uma Maheswari, 2018), S. exigua (Hub.) (Ramaiah et al., 2022). 
  4. Seasonal incidence of Rice swarming caterpillar, Spodoptera mauritia Boisd. infesting on paddy was recorded from Telangana, India (Ramaiah and Uma Maheswari, 2018). 

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