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Agromet Advisory (English)

Weather Based Agromet
Advisory Bulletin
Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa
(Applicable for Delhi and NCR)
Division of Agricultural Physics
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
PUSA, New Delhi – 110 012
www.iari.res.in (Weather Advisory)

Year 31, No: - 59/2024-25/Tue.                                                                                                           Time: 2.30 PM                                                                                                      Date- 22nd October, 2024

Weather during current week (From 12th to 18th October, 2024)

     Clear weather conditions were observed during the week. Maximum temperature ranged between 33.7 °C and 36.0 °C (weekly normal 32.4 °C). Minimum temperature ranged between 18.0 °C and 19.4 °C (weekly normal 16.9 °C). Relative humidity at 7.21 AM ranged between 83 and 93 percent and that at 2.21 PM ranged between 31 and 52 percent. The average bright sunshine hour during the week was 6.9 hours per day (weekly normal 6.8 hours). The average wind speed recorded was 1.6 km/h (normal 2.2 km/h). Mean evaporation rate during the period was 3.7 mm/day (weekly normal 4.1 mm/day). Wind during morning was Calm and evening it was from different directions.

Weather Forecast for next five days received from India Meteorological Department, Regional Meteorological Centre, Agromet Advisory Unit, Lodhi Road, New Delhi is given belows
Weather parameter/Date2024-10-232024-10-242024-10-252024-10-262024-10-27
Rainfall (mm)
Maximum Temperature (°C)3535353434
Minimum Temperature (°C)2020191818
Average Cloud Cover (Okta)22222
Maximum RH. (%)8580808585
Minimum RH. (%)5550505555
Average Wind Speed (kmph)1616161204
Predominant Wind directionsNNWNNWNNWNNESSE
Cumulative Weekly Rainfall (mm)
0.0 mm
Special weather

Weather based Agromet-Advisories (for the period ending on 27th October, 2024) 

Advisory based on advices received from the subject matter specialists of agromet-advisory committee: 

  • Farmers are advised to procure good quality seeds of wheat and start field’s preparation. Seed rate: - 100 kg seed per ha. Recommended cultivars: - H.D. 3385, H.D. 3386, H.D. 3298, H.D. 2967, H.D. 3086, H.D. CSW 18, DBW. 370, DBW. 371, DBW. 372, DBW. 327. Application of Chlorpyriphos (20 EC) @ 5 litres per ha. with pre-irrigation is recommended before sowing in the fields having perennial problem of termite infestation. Recommended dose of fertilizer for N: P: K is 120, 50 and 40 kg / ha.
  • Keeping temperature in view sowing of mustard should be done in this week. Before sowing, soil testing for sulfur should be done and in deficient areas 20 kg sulfur per hectare should be applied at last ploughing. Before sowing farmers are advised to ensure optimum soil moisture for better seed germination. Recommended cultivars: - Pusa Vijay, Pusa Sarson-29, Pusa Sarson-30, Pusa Sarson -31, Pusa Sarson -32. Seed rate: - 1.5-2 kg per acre. Moisture level in the soil should be appropriate for proper germination otherwise apply pre-sowing irrigation. Before sowing seeds should be treated with Captan @ 2-2.5 g/ kg of seeds. Line sowing is beneficial. In non-spreading varieties, row to row spacing should be 30 cm and in spreading cultivars spacing should be 45-50 cm. After germination, plant to plant spacing should be maintained at 12-15 cm by thinning.
  • Keeping view in weather, sowing of pea should not be delayed as late sowing reduces the seed yield and exposes the crop to insect damage. Before sowing farmers are advised to ensure optimum soil moisture for better seed germination. Recommended cultivars: - Pusa Pragati, Arkel. Seed should be treated with fungicides, Captan @ 2.0 gm/kg and after that with crop-specific Rhizobium culture. A solution of jaggary and water after boiling should be allowed to cool down and then seeds along with Rhizobium should be thoroughly mixed. The mixture should be allowed to dry in a shade. It is highly recommended that the treated seeds should be sown after 24 hours of treatment.
  • Sowing of carrot can be done in raised bed. Before sowing farmers are advised to ensure optimum soil moisture for better seed germination. Recommended cultivars: - Pusa Rudhira. Seed rate- 2.0 kg/ acre. Application of FYM, potash and phosphorus fertilizer is recommended. Seed treatment with Captan @ 2 gm per kilogram is advised. Now day’s machine for sowing of carrot is available. Farmers can do sowing by machine because it reduces the seed rate, improve the quality of produces and increase the yield.
  • This is suitable time for sowing of Sarson Saag- Pusa Saag-1BathuaPusa Bathua-1Radish- Japani White, Hill queen, French Radish; SpinachAll Green, Pusa BhartiFenugreek-Pusa Kasuri; CorianderPant Haritama, Hybrids; TurnipPusa Swati, Local Red variety. Before sowing farmers are advised to ensure optimum soil moisture for better seed germination.
  • Transplanting of mature seedlings of cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and tomato may also be done in raised bed. Recommended spacing should be maintained. Nursery preparation should be started for late crop which mature in December or January.
  • In present weather conditions, rouging of viral infested crop should be done in chilli and tomato. Infected plants should be uprooted and buried in the soil. If infection is more than spray of imidacloprid @ 0.3 ml per litre of water is advised for control the vector.
  • Training and pruning as well as intercultural operations of rose should be done in present weather conditions. Apply Bavistin paste in the cut portion to protect the crop against attack of fungal diseases.
  • Marigold should be transplanted in raised bed as earliest. Sowing of gladiolus should be done in prepared fields.
  • Farmers are advised for, not to burn the residue of kharif crops (paddy) in the fields because it not only pollute the environment but also causes the severe health (respiratory) problems. The smog formed due to burning of residue reduces the solar-radiations received to the crops and decrease the process of photosynthesis and evapotranspiration, which affect the quality and quantity of all crops. Farmers are advised to mix the residue of kharif crops in the soil. It increases the soil fertility. It can be used as mulching for deceasing soil evaporation and to conserve soil moisture. Pusa decomposer capsule can be used @ 4 capsules /ha for decomposing the residue of the paddy.
  • Keeping view in weather, harvesting of mature rice crop in this week should be done. After harvesting, crop should be dried in the field for 2-3 days and thereafter threshing should be done. Before storing, grains should be dried to bring down moisture level below 12 %.

Members of Agro advisory Committee

Dr. Ananta Vashisth (Nodal Officer, Agricultural Physics)

Dr. Subash Nataraja (Head, Division of Agricultural Physics)

Dr. P. Krishnan (Professor, Division of Agricultural Physics) 

Dr. Deb Kumar Das (Principal Scientist, Agricultural Physics)

Dr. B. S. Tomar (Head, Division of Vegetable Science)

Dr. Sachin Suresh Suroshe (Project coordinator, AICRP on Honeybee)

Dr. Dinesh Kumar (Principal Scientist, Agronomy)

Dr. P. Sinha (Principal Scientist, Plant Pathology)

Dr. A.K. Singh (Principal Scientist and Incharge, CATAT)

ICAR-IARI Scientists