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Agromet Advisory (English)

Weather Based Agromet
Advisory Bulletin
Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa
(Applicable for Delhi and NCR)
Division of Agricultural Physics
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
PUSA, New Delhi – 110 012
www.iari.res.in (Weather Advisory)

YYear 31, No: - 48/2024-25/Fri.                                                                                               Time: 2.30 PM                                                                                                         Date 13th September, 2024

Weather during current week (From 07th September, to 13th September, 2024)

     Cloudy weather conditions were observed during the week. except a rainfall of 5.4 mm on 08th September, 13.6 mm on 11th September, 9.4 mm on 12th September and 27.6 mm on 13th September was recorded at the institute observatory. Maximum temperature ranged between 28.0 °C and 36.0 °C (weekly normal 33.3 °C). Minimum temperature ranged between 22.6 °C and 25.6 °C (weekly normal 24.4 °C). Relative humidity at 7.21 AM ranged between 89 and 98 percent and that at 2.21 PM ranged between 61 and 92 percent. The average bright sunshine hour during the week was 2.1 hours per day (weekly normal 5.8 hours). The average wind speed recorded was 1.3 km/h (normal 3.4 km/h). Mean evaporation rate during the period was 1.8 mm/day (weekly normal 4.7 mm/day). Wind during morning was from Calm and evening was from different directions.

Weather Forecast for next five days received from India Meteorological Department, Regional Meteorological Centre, Agromet Advisory Unit, Lodhi Road, New Delhi is given belows
Weather parameter/Date2024-09-142024-09-152024-09-162024-09-172024-09-18
Rainfall (mm)
Maximum Temperature (°C)3233343435
Minimum Temperature (°C)2325242426
Average Cloud Cover (Okta)73336
Maximum RH. (%)9580808085
Minimum RH. (%)6050505055
Average Wind Speed (kmph)1016101208
Predominant Wind directionsWWNNWNSSE
Cumulative Weekly Rainfall (mm)
7.0 mm
Special weather

Weather based Agromet-Advisories (for the period ending on 18th September, 2024) 

Advisory based on advices received from the subject matter specialists of agromet-advisory committee: 

  • Present weather conditions are suitable for sowing of early pea. Recommended cultivars: - Pusa Pragati. Seed should be treated with fungicides, Captan or Thiram @ 2 gm/kg. and after that with crop-specific Rhizobium culture. A solution of jaggary and water after boiling should be allowed to cool down and then seeds along with Rhizobium should be thoroughly mixed. The mixture should be allowed to dry in a shade. It is highly recommended that the treated seeds should be sown after 24 hours of treatment.
  • Field preparation should be started for early mustard- Pusa Sarson-25, Pusa Sarson-26, Pusa Agrni, Pusa Taraka, Pusa Mahak and arrangement for quality seeds should be done.
  • Sowing of carrot can be done in raised bed. Recommended cultivars: - Pusa Rudhira. Seed rate- 4.0 kg/ acre. Application of FYM, potash and phosphorus fertilizer is recommended. Seed treatment with Captan @ 2 gm /kg is advised. Now day’s machine for sowing of carrot is available. Farmers can do sowing by machine because it reduces the seed rate, improve the quality of produces and increase the yield.
  • In present weather conditions termites may damage crops and vegetables in the present weather. Farmers are advised to spray Chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 4 ml/litre of water with irrigation water.
  • Keeping present weather in view, farmers are advised to monitor their fields regularly. Spray of Imidacloprid 17.8 % SC@ 1.0 ml / 3 lit. of water is recommended against white flies and other sucking pests in all crop and vegetables when sky remains clear.
  • Present weather conditions are highly favorable for infection of blast disease in rice. Monitoring at 2-3 days interval is advised. Early symptoms include development of eye shaped spot in the leaf sheath with light centre and dark boundaries. At later stage these spots coalesce to form big spots.
  • In present weather conditions, false smut may appear in paddy in present weather conditions. Symptoms include increase in grains size with brown colored fungus inside. Spraying of Blitox 50 @ 500 grams per acre at 10 days’ interval (2-3 times) is advised.
  • In present weather condition, constant monitoring for brown plant hopper(BPH) in paddy field is advised. Farmers are advised to enter into the middle of the crop field and see mosquito like insect at the basal portion of the plant. If insect population is above ETL than spray of imidacloprid @ 0.3 ml per litre of water is advised when sky remains clear.
  • In paddy crop constant monitoring of stem borer by using pheromone traps 4-6 per acre is advised, If insect population is above ETL, broadcast Cartap 4% granules @ 10 kg/acre for effective control.
  • In present weather condition, constant monitoring for leaf folder in paddy field is advised. To control the pest, mechanical methods, such as rope method (to dislodge the larvae) is advised. In this method, water is allowed to stand in the field up to 2 cm and a rope is hold by two persons at two corners of the field and it is moved in such a way that it swayed the standing paddy crop. The larvae which feed on the folded leafs fall in the water due to mechanical disturbances. After that bunds are opened at many places to drain out water. Insects are collected and destroyed. This process should be repeated two to three times to get desirable result.
  • In vegetables (brinjal, tomato etc) constant monitoring of borers by using pheromone traps 4-6 per acre is advised, If insect population is above ETL than spraying of Spinosad 1.0 ml/4 litre of water is advised against fruit borer and diamond back moth in cauliflower and cabbage when sky remains clear.
  • Sowing of sarson saag- Pusa saag-1; Radish- Summer long, long chetaki; SpinachAll greenCorianderpant Haritama or other hybrids should be done on raised bed. 
  • In present weather conditions, rouging of viral infested crop should be done in chilli and tomato. Infected plants should be uprooted and buried in the soil. If infection is more than spray of imidacloprid @ 0.3 ml per litre of water is advised for control the vector when sky remains clear. 
  • Keeping present weather in view, farmers are advised to use light trap to keep a check on pest population. This causes less damage to useful insects. For making a light trap, a bulb should be fixed above a tumbler (either plastic or tin) having a mixture of water and few drops of any insecticide. The insects get attracted towards the light, fall in the solution and die. 

Members of Agro advisory Committee

Dr. Ananta Vashisth (Nodal Officer, Agricultural Physics)

Dr. Subash Nataraja (Head, Division of Agricultural Physics)

Dr. P. Krishnan (Professor, Division of Agricultural Physics) 

Dr. Deb Kumar Das (Principal Scientist, Agricultural Physics)

Dr. B. S. Tomar (Head, Division of Vegetable Science)

Dr. Sachin Suresh Suroshe (Project coordinator, AICRP on Honeybee)

Dr. Dinesh Kumar (Principal Scientist, Agronomy)

Dr. P. Sinha (Principal Scientist, Plant Pathology)

Dr. A.K. Singh (Principal Scientist and Incharge, CATAT)

ICAR-IARI Scientists