भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

1. Name of Lab incharge and Lab co-In charge/technical person with photograph:

In-Charge: Dr. Manisha Mangal

Co In-Charge: Dr. Gograj Sngh Jat

Vegetable genomics laboratory (Molecular Lab- I & II):

Classical breeding played pivotal role in meeting the growing demand of food with increasing human population. Till the last1-2 decades, improvement of vegetable crops was limited with the application of classical genetic tools and conventional breeding approaches and resulted in development of numerous improved crop varieties with higher productivity and resistance to important biotic stresses. Availability of the cucumber whole genome sequence in the year 2009 and several other genome sequences in variety of vegetable crops in the next few years resulted in wider application of molecular tools in improvement of vegetable crops. Functional genomics became an integrated part of the vegetable improvement programme which complemented the classical breeding approaches in great way. Development of molecular markers and their application became in integrated part of vegetable improvement programme. Vegetable genomics laboratory in the division of vegetable science facilitated the wider application of molecular markers and understanding the molecular basis if several economically important vegetable crops.

2. Facilities available at laboratory with photograph brief description of instruments/facility
  1. RT-PCR machine
  2. PCR Machine
  3. Electrophoresis units
  4. Gel documentation units
  5. High speed refrigerated centrifuges
  6. Freezers
  7. Precision weighing balance
  8. Ice flaking machine
  9. Water purification unit
Significant  past achievements  of laboratory
  • Molecular mapping of different economically important traits and identification of closely linked molecular markers associated with these traits in different vegetable crops
  • Development of molecular markers in wide variety of vegetable crops including capsicum, okra, brinjal, garden pea, cauliflower, melons, gourds, carrots and onion etc
  • Expression analysis of important genes associated with important metabolic pathways in different vegetable crops
  • Understanding the physiological and molecular basis of stress tolerance in capsicum, okra, brinjal, garden pea, cauliflower, melons, gourds, carrots and onion etc
4. Ongoing research programme in laboratory 
  • Discovery of novel genes/QTLs associated with economically important traits in capsicum, okra, brinjal, garden pea, cauliflower, melons, gourds, carrots and onion etc
  • Molecular mapping of economically important traits in capsicum, okra, brinjal, garden pea, cauliflower, melons, gourds, carrots and onion etc
  • Understanding the molecular basis if biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in capsicum, okra, brinjal, garden pea, cauliflower, melons, gourds, carrots and onion etc
  • Expression analysis of important genes in response to different stresses and metabolic pathways associated with important traits in different vegetable crops.
5. others important information if any 

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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