भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute


Agriculture Education in IARI

Agriculture education in IARI started in 1923 with two-year Post-Graduate Course leading to Diploma of Associateship of IARI (Associate IARI) in the disciplines of Agricultural Bacteriology, Agricultural Botany, Agricultural Chemistry, Agronomy, Entomology, Horticulture, Mycology and Sugarcane Breeding
  • Diploma course was recognized as equivalent to the M.SC. degree of Indian Universities by the Ministry of education in 1949
  • Institute was granted the status of a Deemed to be University in 1958 (Under UGC Act 1956) and diploma was replaced with M.Sc. and Ph.D.
  • Central College of Agriculture was merged with IARI in 1951
  • IARI was under the direct administrative control of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture till 1951 and worked in close cooperation with ICAR
  • IARI was perhaps the first institution in the country to adopt the course credit system of instruction modeled after the Land Grant College of USA
  • As of now, IARI is offering M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in 26 disciplines at the main campus and M.Sc. in selected disciplines at IARI, Assam and Jharkhand campuses. Institute is also offering Ph.D. in selected disciplines at CIAE, Bhopal and IIHR, Bengaluru
  • M.Sc. in selected disciplines at NIASM Baramati, NIBSM, Raipur and IIAB Ranchi from the academic year 2020-21

International Students

Our mission is to advance knowledge and understanding in the field of agriculture

IARI became a 'Deemed-to-be University' in 1958, Up to 1957, students numbering 903 were awarded Associateship of IARI, which was recognized as equivalent to the M.Sc. degree of Indian universities. Till February, 2024 The Graduate School has awarded 5047 M.Sc., 115 M. Tech. and 5666 Ph.D. degrees to the students which include 518 international students. The Institute has also imparted training in specialized areas of agricultural sciences through training programs funded by the ICAR, DBT, DST and other organizations. A large number of persons have received training at IARI in areas like agricultural physics, microbiology, molecular science, plant pathology, soil science, and water science and technology. The Institute has introduced Best Faculty Awards for excellence in teaching to the scientists of the Institute for their untiring efforts in improving the teaching in different subjects. These awards have motivated the faculty to improve their teaching. The courses are regularly reviewed and updated and world-class library and laboratory facilities are provided. These efforts are reflected in the success of IARI students who invariably comprise the bulk of the candidates selected through national competitions. IARI students almost always occupy the top positions in merit lists.

The Graduate School Event October, 2023

IARI Expert Lecture and World Food Day Lecture 2023

IARI Academic Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Policies

Under Graduate Faculty

Notifications of the 422th Academic Council meeting

List of our esteemed Alumni

62nd Convocation

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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