भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
| हिन्दी | || || |
PG School, IARI, New Delhi has "Standing Committee on Students Problems & Discipline, Welfare, Board and Residences" which considers Complaints/Grievance of students, if any. This Committee has the Chairman and Members from Teaching Faculty, Administrative Officer and Students' Representative. In case of any Grievance/Complaint, any of the following Officers of IARI, New Delhi may be contacted on the following telephone numbers/e-mails. The officers mentioned below will take the action for redressal of the grievances/complaints immediately or refer the case to the Standing Committee for its redressal within 5-7 days.
Dean & Joint Director (Edn.)
Dr.(Mrs.) Anupama Singh
011 - 25843382
M - 8920154670 |
Nodal Officer
Dr. Anil Sirohi, Master of Halls of Residences
011 - 25848075
011 - 25847475 M - 9868612346 |
Registrar & Jt. Director (Admn.)
Sh. Rajeev Lal
Director/Vice Chancellor, IARI, is the Appellate Authority to consider the appeal of students who will dispose off the appeal within two days.
Appellate Authority
Dr. Ch. Srinivasa Rao, Director/Vice Chancellor, IARI
011 - 25842367
011 - 25843375 Fax: 011 - 25846420 |