भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Scientific, Technical and Supporting Staff: Details of Service records in respect of Scientific staff, Technical staff, Supporting Staff, their computerized data and details of court cases pertaining to IARI and also Register for sending quarterly/annual returns are maintained in Personnel-I (Scientific Staff), Personnel-III (Supporting Staff), Personnel-V (Technical Staff) and Law Section.
The Finance Wing of the Institute is maintaining different type of Documents/records such as cash book, Cheque book, and objection books records pertaining to Pension work, Broadsheet of HBA, Car, Computer, Monthly Account, Annual Account of Institute and GPF A/cs. & other documents as prescribed in the ICAR Audit manual.
Administrative Staff:
  1. Personal files of all the admn. category staff members
  2. Recruitment files of all admn. category posts
  3. Files regarding nomination of Drawing & Disbursement Officers at different Divisions/Regional Stations/ Dte. of Institute
  4. Posting / Transfer files of all admn. category staff except senior administrative cateogy officers posted by the Council.
  5. Seniority List files of all admn. category staff members
  6. Reservation Rosters for all the administrative category posts except for Group 'A' officers posted by the Council
  7. Different information files sought by the Council and other Govt. Agencies. 
  8. Files related to Compassionate Appointment Cases
  9. Files related to RTI Cases 
  10. Files related to admn. category staff sanctioned in different Projects, National Fellow Schemes, National Proessor Schemes
  11. Service Book of administrative category staff posted at Directorate
  12. Files for granting ACP to admn cateogy staff except for Group 'A' staff posted by the Council
  13. Files related to cases of clearance of Probation Period / Confirmation of admn. cateogy staff
  14. File related to Delegation of Powers among senior officers
  15. File regarding allocation of duties among senior officers
  16. File related to issue of No Dues Certificate in r/o admn. category staff posted at Date.
  17. Files related to grant of Advance Increment to Stenographers
  18. Files related to Inter-Institutional Transfer of admn. category staff
  19. File regarding Extension of revised Pay Scale to Assistants and PA
  20. File regarding Retirement of Admn. Cateogy Staff
  21. File regarding 10% cut on admn. category posts
  22. File regarding review of admn. category posts as per Min. of Finance instructions
  23. File regarding transfer of admn. category staff in DMR/NRCPB
  24. File regarding Audit Objections 
  25. File regarding scheme of KVK, Shikohpur, Gurgaon
  26. File regarding correspondance related to IJSC/IGC items 
  27. Files regarding Pay Fixation /Anamolies cases /Periodical Increment / Leave Applications
  28. Miscelleneous Files / Guard Files
  29. Different reference books to consult rule position
  30. Dak Diary Register / Despatch Register / File Movement Register/Increment Register/ Service Book Register / RTI cases diary register / leave application diary register
  31. Old Records
Disciplinary Cases: The following books/documents are being referred while dealing with the Disciplinary cases and other matters pertaining to Confidential Reports in Office Methods and Vigilance (OMV) Section:
  1. Swamys Compilation on CCS (CCA) Rules 1965
  2. Swamys Compilation on CCS (Conduct) Rules-1964
  3. Swamys Compilation on Confidential Reports
  4. Vigilance Manual issued by CVC
  5. G.B.Singhs Handbook for Disciplinary Authorities
  6. G.B.Singhs Commentary on CCS (CCA) Rules
Statement of documents held in OMV Section
 CR Dossier of Scientists Working in IARI  - 450
 CR Dossier of Technical Working in IARI  - 600
 CR Dossier of Ministerial Working in IARI  - 500
 CR Dossier of Supporting Working in IARI  - 53
 Files of Ministerial Staff regarding Adverse Remarks  - 2002 onwards till date
 Files of Scientists/Technical regarding Adverse remarks  - 1995 onwards
 Files pertaining to Disciplinary cases  - 1994 onwards
 Files pertaining to Complaints file  - from the beginning
 Files pertaining to Theft files  - from the beginning
 Diary Register  - 01/01/04 onwards
 Movement Register  - 11/09/04 onwards
 Peon Books  - 27/10/04 onwards
 Attendance Register  - 6
 Despatch Register   - 01/07/05 onwards
 Dossiers of Expired/retired Ministerial Staff  - 2003 onwards
 Dossiers of Expired/retired Sci./Tech. Staff  - from the beginning
 Vigilance Clearance Register  - from the beginning
 Divisional files regarding CRs of Sci./Tech.  - 2003 onward 
 Miscellaneous files  - 2003 onwards (25 files) 

The documents related to Rules and Regulations, Course Contents, Admission procedures and implementation of teaching programmes as dealt by the Academic Council and the PG School are maintained in the PG School.
The Division of Agril. Extension carries out its mandate through the following functions/activities:
1)    Research : The basic and applied researches are conducted through the approved inhouse projects and externally funded projects. The specific technical programmes and standardized methodologies are followed to accomplish the objectives under the projects. The progress and achievements of the projects are reported in the relevant divisional level and institute level documents like RPFs, Annual reports, SRC report, QRT reports etc.
2)    Teaching : The post graduate teaching is imparted for M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree programmes in the discipline of Agricultural Extension. The PG students researches are documented in the form of theses. The educational achievements are incorporated in the annual reports, PG school reports etc.
3)    Human Resource Development : The HRD activities are pursued through organization of training programmes under CAS (Centre of Advanced Studies), ICAR Summer/Winter schools and other national and international sponsored trainings. A wider publicity is given about the training courses well in advance through circulation of training brochure/folders and digital mode via IARI web site. The applications/nominations, duly recommended by the concerned authorities are invited on the prescribed proforma. The selection of trainees is based on eligibility criteria and individual merits. The training manuals in the form of compendium are brought out for the benefit of participants. The salient achievements/highlights of the HRD activities are documented in the CAS reports, Annual reports, Newsletters etc.
4)    Extension : The extension activities are specifically related to (i) information and farm advisory services, (ii) front line demonstrations (FLDs) in collaboration with Directorate of Maize Research (iii) Krishi Vigyan Mela, exhibitions, field days etc. and (iv) coordination work of Extension Council of IARI.
A suitable criteria/mechanism is followed for selection of participant farmers in the FLD programmes. The significant achievements of extension activities/the FLDs are presented in the relevant reports. The progress reports and action plan of various extension, transfer of technology activities namely Out reach extension programmes, ATIC activities, KVK activities are presented in the Agenda Notes of the Extension Council meetings.
The pertinent information in respect of specified activities of the Division of Extension has also been provided in IARI website (www.iari.res.in) The website information is updated as and when required.
Housing Section:
Personal Claim Section:
Pension Section:
Works Section:

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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