भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute



The Institute is a constituent unit of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, which is a Society registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1960. The Director is the principal executive officer of the Institute. The Institute has five main bodies which are responsible for broad policy matters and decision making in the field of research, post-graduate education and training, extension education and administration.

The smooth functioning of the Institute activities is ensured by the Institute’s Management Committee with the Director as the administrative head. Three Joint Directors, viz., Joint Director (Research), Dean and Joint Director (Education), and Joint Director (Extension) dealing with research, teaching and extension provide complete support to the Director. The Joint Director (Administration) and the Comptroller/ Chief Finance and Account Officer provide support in the administration and finance of the Institute. The Board of Management, Research Advisory Committee, Executive Council, Academic Council, Extension Council and Staff Research Council facilitate the smooth functioning of the Institute with their support in various ways. The two other important statutory bodies for the smooth functioning of the Institute are the Joint Staff Council and Institute Grievance Cell.

Dr. Ch. Srinivasa Rao
Director  & Vice Chancellor

Dr. Anupama Singh
Joint Director (Education) & Dean

Dr. Viswanathan Chinnusamy
Joint Director (Research)

Dr. R.N. Padaria
Jt. Director (Extension)

Sh. Pradyumna Kumar Jain
Joint Director(Admn.) & Sr. Registrar

Sh. Avesh Yadav

Members of Board of Management of IARI


Dr. Ch. Srinivasa Rao
Director, ICAR-IARI


Dr. Anupama Singh
Joint Director (Education) & Dean
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi

Dr. Triveni Dutt
Director, ICAR-IVRI
Bareilly-243122 (UP)
Shri Badri Narayan
49-Gyatri Nagar-1
Toan Road, Sanganer
Jaipur-302018 (Rajasthan)

Dr. C. Viswanathan
Joint Director (Research)
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi

Dr. R.N. Padaria
Joint Director (Extension)
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi

Dr. Sanjay Singh Rathore
Head, Division of Agronomy
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi

Dr. Alka Singh
Head, Division of Agricultural Economics
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi

Dr. P.K. Sahoo
Head, Division of Agricultural Engineering
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi

Dr. Gopala Krishnan S.
Head, Division of Genetics
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi

Dr. M.S. Saharan
Head, Division of Plant Pathology
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi

Dr. Gyan Mishra
Head, Division of Seed Science and Technology
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi

Dr. A.K. Singh
Vice Chancellor
Rani Laxmi Bai Central Agricultural University
Jhansi (UP)

Dr. P.K. Singh
Agriculture Commissioner
Room No. 223
Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi

Dr. G.K. Koutu
Director (Research Services)
Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Viswavidyalaya
Jabalpur (MP)

Dr. S.K. Pahuja
Dean, College of Agriculture
Chaudhary Charan Sing Haryana Agricultural University
Hisar (Haryana)

Ms. Alka Nangia Arora / (or her nominee)

Additional Secretary (DARE) & Financial Advisor (ICAR)
Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi-110001

Shri Anil Kumar Singh, IAS

Commissioner (Development)

Development Department, GNCT of Delhi

5/9, Under Hill Road, Delhi-110054

Member - Secretary

Sh. Rajeev Lal
Sr. Registrar and Joint Director (Admn.)
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi

Director & Vice Chancellor, IARI



Joint Director(Admn.) & Sr. Registrar, IARI

Joint Director (Education) & Dean, IARI Head
Post Harvest Technology

Joint Director (Research), IARI

Plant Pathology, IARI

Joint Director (Extension),

Biochemistry, IARI

National Fellow,
Agricultural Chemicals, IARI

Head, Agricultural Economics, IARI

Head, Vegetable Science, IARI

Director, Directorate of
Floricultural, New Delhi

IARI Regional Station, Shimla

Head, Regional Station,

Head, Microbiology, IARI

ICAR, Krishi Bhawan


To be Announce

Joint Director(Admn.) & Sr. Registrar, IARI


Constitution of the Academic Council, IARI


Director & Vice Chancellor ICAR-IARI


Dr. Ch. Srinivasa Rao


Dean & Jt. Director (Edn.), ICAR-IARI


Dr. Anupama Singh


Deputy Director General (Edn.), ICAR


Dr. R.C. Agrawal


Directors of sister institutes and nodal coordinator Directors, ICAR-IARI hubs


Dr. Rajender Parsad
Director, ICAR-IASRI

Dr. G. P. Singh
Director, ICAR-NBPGR

Dr. R.C. Bhattacharya
Director, ICAR-NIPB

Dr. C.R. Mehta
Director, ICAR-CIAE, nodal coordinator, IARI Bhopal hub

Dr. P.K. Ghosh
Director, NIBSM, Raipur; nodal coordinator, IARI Raipur hub

Dr. Sujay Rakshit
Director, IIAB, Ranchi; nodal coordinator, IARI Ranchi hub

Dr. K. Sammi Reddy
Director, NIASM, Baramati; nodal coordinator, IARI Baramati hub

Dr. V.K. Singh
Director, CRIDA, Hyderabad; nodal coordinator, IARI Hyderabad hub

Dr. Y.G. Prasad
Director, CICR, Nagpur; nodal coordinator, IARI Nagpur hub

Dr. A.K. Nayak
Director, NRRI, Cuttack; nodal coordinator, IARI Cuttack hub

Dr. Gouranga Kar
Director, CRIJAF, Kolkata; nodal coordinator, IARI Kolkata hub

Dr. V.K. Mishra
Director, RCNEH Umiam, Shillong; nodal coordinator, ICAR-IARI Shillong hub

Dr. Rasappa Viswanathan
Director, IISR, Lucknow; nodal coordinator, ICAR-IARI Lucknow hub

Dr. O.P. Yadav
Director, CAZRI, Jodhpur; nodal coordinator, ICAR-IARI Jodhpur hub

Dr. Anup Das
Director, RCER-Patna, nodal coordinator, ICAR-IARI Patna hub

Dr. T.K. Behera
Director, ICAR-IIHR; nodal coordinator, IARI Bengaluru hub

Dr. Ratan Tiwari
Director, IIWBR, Karnal; nodal coordinator, ICAR-IARI Karnal hub


Joint Director (Res.), ICAR-IARI


Dr. C. Viswanathan

Joint Director (Extn.), ICAR-IARI


Dr. R.N. Padaria


Four Eminent Scientists/
(Out-side Members)


Dr. A.K. Singh
Former Vice Chancellor
RVSKVV, Gwalior, M.P.

Dr. A.K. Singh
Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi, U.P.

Dr. H.C. Sharma
Former VC, YSPUHF, Nauni, Solan

Dr. N.S. Rathore
Former VC, MPUAT, Udaipur and Former DDG (Edn.), ICAR New Delhi


Project Director, Water Technology Centre


Dr. P.S. Brahmanand
Water Technology Centre


Professors of teaching disciplines at ICAR-IARI, New Delhi


Dr. (Ms.) Suman Gupta
Professor, Agricultural Chemicals

Dr. Pramod Kumar
Professor, Agricultural Economics

Dr. A.K. Mishra
Professor, Agricultural Engineering

Dr. M.S. Nain
Professor, Agricultural Extension

Dr. (Ms.) P. Krishnan
Professor, Agricultural Physics

Dr. (Ms.) Cini Varghese
Professor, Agricultural Statistics

Dr. Y.S. Shivay
Professor, Agronomy

Dr. Anil Dahuja
Professor, Biochemistry

Dr. (Ms.) Sarika
Professor, Bioinformatics

Dr. (Ms.) Alka Arora
Professor, Computer Application

Dr. Subramaniam S.
Professor, Entomology

Dr. D.K. Sharma
Professor, Environmental Science

Dr. K.P. Singh
Professor, Floriculture and Landscaping

Dr. Radha Mohan Sharma
Professor, Fruit Science

Dr. H.K. Dikshit
Professor, Genetics and Plant Breeding

Dr. Rajeev Kaushik
Professor, Microbiology

Dr. (Ms.) Jasdeep Chatrath Padaria
Professor, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

Dr. Anil Sirohi
Professor, Nematology & M.O.H.R

Dr. Sunil Archak
Professor, Plant Genetic Resources

Dr. Aundy Kumar
Professor, Plant Pathology

Dr. (Ms.) Anjali Anand
Professor, Plant Physiology

Dr. Ram Asrey
Professor, Post Harvest Management

Dr. T.J. Purakayastha
Professor, Soil Science

Dr. R.K. Yadav
Professor, Vegetable Science

Dr. (Ms.) Susama Sudhishree
Professor, Water Science and Technology


Professors (UG)


Dr. T.K. Das
Professor, B.Sc. (Agriculture)

Dr. (Ms.) Rashmi Singh
Professor, B.Sc. (Community Science)

Dr. D.K. Singh
Professor, B.Tech. (Agril. Engineering)

Dr. ……………..
Professor, B.Tech. (Biotechnology)


Associate Dean
PG Affairs


Dr. Atul Kumar


Associate Dean
UG Affairs


Dr. Harshawardhan Choudhary


Associate Dean
International Affairs


Dr. K.K. Vinod


Associate Dean
Hubs/Off campuses and sister Institutes/constituent colleges
and Professor, SST


Dr. (Ms.) Monika A. Joshi


Associate Dean
Student Opportunities, Outreach and New Initiatives


Dr. M.R. Khan


Associate Dean
Placement Cell


Dr. (Ms.) Arti Bhatia


Controller of Examinations


Dr. Akshay Talukdar




Shri Avesh Yadav


Elected Faculty


Dr. Harshawardhan Choudhary
Pr. Scientist, Vegetable Science

Dr. Sandeep Kumar Lal
Pr. Scientist, Seed Science & Technology


Incharge, IARI Library


Shri Deep Chand


Elected Students of PGSSU (2)


Shri Sudhir Bhinchar
President PGSSU

Shri B. Sharatchandra
Students' Representative to the Academic Council


Senior Registrar &
Joint Director (Admn.)


Shri Rajeev Lal

Members of Research Advisory Committee of IARI (As on 20.08.2024)

Name Designation
Prof. Sudhir K. Sopory
Emeritus Senior Scientist
International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Dr. Surinder Singh Banga
DAE Raja Ramanna Fellow and Professor(Honorary Adjunct).
Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics,
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana- 141004. Punjab
Prof. Kailash Chander Bansal
Former Director. NBPGR. New Delhi
Dr. P.S. Naik
Former Director, ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi
Dr. M.R. Dinesh
Former Director, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru
Dr. Biswapati Mandal
Former Pro-Vice-Chancellor. BC KV, Kalyani
Dr. Vijay Paul Sharma
Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices(CACP)
Dr. Surinder Tikoo
Co-Founder and Director Research-Breeding and Development, Hyderabad
Prof. Appa Rao Fodile
Former vice Chancellor, University of Hyderabad,
Senior Professor, Department of Plant Sciences,
School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad,
Director, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi Member
Deputy Director General(Crop Science), ICAR Member
(i) Shri Dharamender Singh Lakra

(ii) Dr. Payal Mago
Principal, Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Science for Women,
University of Delhi
Dr. Vishwanathan Chinnusamy
Joint Director (research), ICAR-IARI, New Delhi.
Member Secretary

Director & Vice Chancellor, IARI

Joint Director (Research), IARI


Deputy Director-General
(Crop Science), ICAR

All Heads of Divisions/ Regional
Station of IARI

All Project Director/Project
Coordinator of IARI

All Principal Investigators of IARI


Member- Secretary

Principal Scientist (PME), IARI



Name & Designation

Contact Address & Phone Number


Shri Rajan Aggarwal
Director, DARE

Room No.102, First Floor
Krishi Bhawan,
New Delhi-110001

Phone No.-011-23382375


Dr. Manjeet Singh Nain
Professor & Vigilance Officer,
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi -110012

Division of Agricultural Extension
New Delhi-110012

Phone No.-9717264950
E-Mail Id: Manjeet[dot]Singh2[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in


The highest policy-making body of the Institute is its Board of Management. The Staff Research Council is responsible for the formulation of research projects and monitoring their progress. The Academic Council takes decisions in all matters related to post-graduate education. The Director is the executive and academic head of the Institute, which is also a Deemed-to-be-University and is the ex-officio Chairman of the Board of Management, Executive Council, Academic Council and Extension Council. The Board of Management and the Academic Council are the apex bodies of the Institute, which take decisions on administrative, financial and academic matters. Academic Council, Executive Council, Staff Research Council, Extension Council and various Standing Committees provide the necessary recommendations/suggestions to facilitate the Board of Management to take appropriate decisions. The research activities are monitored by the Joint Director (Research). The Dean and the Joint Director (Education) co-ordinate the academic activities of the Institute. Matters pertaining to extension education of the Institute are executed through the Joint Director (Extension). The Joint Director (Administration) of the Institute provides the necessary support to the Director in taking decisions regarding service matters of both faculty and staff. Matters pertaining to financial and budgetary aspects are channeled through the Chief Finance and Accounts Officer.

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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