भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Confocal Microscopy is a specialized form of fluorescent microscopy that uses particular optical components to generate high-resolution images of the material stained with a fluorescent probe. The main advantage of Confocal Microscopy is gathering quantitative data such as thickness, area and volume of cellular structure and promises to provide 3-D volume rendering of living cells and tissue over time.
This important facility was established at Advanced Centre for Plant Virology (Plant Virology Unit), IARIin 2012 under ICAR-Outreach Programme.
Model: Leica TCS SP52
It is used in studying the physiology of host-pathogen interaction by
  • Localization of proteins
  • Characterization of structural proteins
  • Characterization of fungal spores
  • Live/dead cell counts
  • Monitoring of virus infection in host and vector cells
  • High-resolution blur-free images with enhanced picture quality with 3-D structures of living cells and tissues
  • High depth of focus extended focus images without special object preparation
  • Concurrent analysis of surface and internal structures
  • Enables the examination of both living and fixed specimens under a variety of condition
More than 2000 samples including, viruses, fungi bacteria, and various plant samples (root/shoot/leaf/other plant parts) processed to date.

Processing charges:

Sl. No.


Rates per sample/specimen/slide

(in INR)


Government organizations (Other Divisions of IARI, Other Government Academic and Research Institutes)

Rs. 1500/- + GST


Private Industries and Profit Laboratories

Rs. 5000/- + GST

Dr. Kajal Kumar Biswas
In-Charge, Plant Virology Unit
Division of Plant Pathology
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi – 110012
Mob: +91-9868796694
Contact Person
Dr. Shilpi Aggarwal
Technical Officer
Plant Virology Unit
Division of Plant Pathology
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi-110012
Mob: +91-9818191241

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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