भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Web Applications Development Cell

About Web Applications Development Cell

Purpose : This cell is responsible for creating and maintaining the ICAR-IARI website. Moreover, we create web applications as required by various divisions of the Institute.

Manpower : Mr. Ashish Sharma STO, AKMU and two more contractual staff.

Web Applications Development Center at IARI has developed many backend web applications along-with its updates which was integrated on the ICAR-IARI website. The list of web applications and its updates are listed below:

  • A new website for IARI has been developed at AKMU which will be launched soon. Many new modules have been developed for this version of the website which will be revealed once the website is launched.
  • Security audit was successfully completed of the ICAR-IARI website.
  • Payment Gateway Integration with ICICI for all payments at the institute.
  • Online seed portal for selling products from various divisions like SPU, Farm Publications.
  • Complaint management system, a web application for handling complaints for services offered by AKMU
  • Scientist Information Systems, a web application interface where all scientists can now update their information using their credentials online.
  • Backend Web Applications for updating the Jobs/Tenders/News on the website.
  • RTI Management System for maintaining the RTI page of the website. User can login and maintain the applications and their replies through this web application.
  • IARI website had 7,99,000 users since April 2021 till today. The website is widely viewed by users from all over the world. The top users are from Canada, Russia, Australia, USA, Singapore, United Kingdom, China and Indonesia


Dr. Amrender Kumar, Incharge & Principal Scientist
Mr. Ashish Sharma, STO
Mr. Ganesh kumar, Senior Web Application Developer
Mr. Ratnesh kumar, Junior Web Devloper

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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