भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute


About Krishikosh – Digital Repository

Krishikosh is a customized digital repository platform for users of NARES Institutions, where they can upload and manage their own contents for compliance to open access policy of ICAR. Currently this digital repository have more than 2,70,000 items which includes 180,000 theses from various NARES organization. Google analytics indicates that 22.90 million hits are there on Krishikosh website during October 2017 – Feb., 2022. India, United States, Sudan, China, Russia, Ethiopia, Iran, Philippines, Nigeria, Indonesia are the top ten countries who visited this digital platform. Analysis based on the demographics in terms of age of the users of Krishikosh, highest number of users of Krishikosh falls in the age group of 25-34, the lowest is 65+. It can also be concluded that highest number of users might be students and researchers all over the world. Krishikosh repository was viewed by 175 countries.

It has been designed using open source software DSpace which has an efficient Integrated Content Management System (ICMS), suitability configured to meet the requirements of NARES and created dependable digital repository. DSpace is based on three-layer architecture which consists of logical layer, application layer and storage layer each layer includes various components. The logical layer manages the content of the archive, users of the archive (e-people), authorization, and workflow. The application layer contains components that communicate with the users. The third layer is the storage layer which consists of relational database, viz. postgreSQL (Structured Query Language) and bitstream storage module for storing the data and metadata respectively. The relational database management system (postgreSQL) is an open source licensed software, i.e. there will be no barriers to implement DSpace anywhere or if the system deals with multiple instances. JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), which defines how a user may access postgreSQL. Each institution in NARES has been configured as community in Krishikosh having its own collections and logo. Each community and collection can be given independent rights to registered users for uploading and managing the contents. Thus, Krishikosh is a collectively managed, centrally aggregated repository with integrated search facility….decentralized.

Krishikosh provides following functionalities
  • Improve Accessibility
  • Enhanced Search Ability
  • Preservation
  • Content Selection
  • Metadata for all records (and categories)
  • All of records are classified under the three access categories viz. Public Access, Privileged Access and Prohibited Access based on the nature of records.

Text Mining for Knowledge extraction through, similarity detection in two documnets and Keyword Extraction based on natural language processing (NLP) were developed. For implementation of this tools, Python programming language is used while HTML code is used for front end development.

Frequency based keyword extraction technique are utilized to identified and quantify the prominent keywords / technology in which the Govt. of India emphasis with respect to time frame. Utilizing the metadata of thesis titles available in this repository, the prominent keywords / technology with its numbers of studies are Climate change (271); Remote-sensing (249); Soil health (177); Water quality (169); Ground water (138); Foot and mouth diseases (90); Kisan credit (45); Market integration (23); Precision farming (19);Soil Health Cards (18); eNAM (13); Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) (7); Image processing (7); Data mining (6); Sensors (5); Blockchain (2); Artificial Intelligence (2); etc.

Agrokeywords: The keywords were generated and compare with the dictionary developed by FAO and USDA which is huge agriculture thesaurus containing several thousand terms. The keywords were extracted documents and compare with this dictionary, then the relevant keywords based on frequency were store as metadata for further searching

Scientometrics tools has been developed for identifying emerging scientific areas through keywords which helps in monitoring early signals of new technological


Dr. Amrender Kumar, Incharge & Principal Scientist
Dr. Kamal Batra, STO
Mr. Ashish Sharma, STO
Mr. Rajender Sharma, CTO
Ms. Geetanjali, TO
Mr. Sharwan, STA

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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