भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

About Data Centre

The Data Centre at Indian Agricultural Research Institute has been established with the objective to enhance next generation interdisciplinary research and teaching activities. The data Centre is equipped with state-of-the-art fire safety features and precision air conditioners. The infrastructure has two UPS on load sharing and high availability mode backed up by a DG Set. At preset the Data Centre is hosting most of the in-house developed applications, IARI website, Intranet website, micro websites, IARI’s mail server, DNS servers, Krishikosh repository servers, Network Services for IARI connectivity etc. As a way forward IARI is planning to have a state-of-the-art high performance computing platforms to provide the facility to accelerate the level of research manifolds. The high performance computing will be used for computation biology, modelling, data mining to provide a seamless platform for all the ICT based research and knowledge management at IARI.

  • Data-Center hosts Web-services like IARI web-portal, Intranet services, DSSs, Digital Repository for whole NARES, etc.
  • Constant power supply and regular maintenance is critical and needs attention
  • SAN Storage


Dr. Amrender Kumar, Incharge & Principal Scientist
Dr. Kamal Batra, STO
Ms. Geetanjali Joshi, TO
Mr. Chanderkant
Mr. Abhinav Kohli
Mr. Krishna

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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