भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Genetics      (47 scientists)

Dr Vignesh M.


Field of Specialisation : Maize Genetics and Breeding - Genetic Improvement of Nutritional Quality and Specialty Traits

Dr Vignesh M.

Sr. Scientist

M.Sc. : ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

Ph.D : ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Genetics and Plant Breeding

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   6 completed + 2 pursuing

   Ph.D :   3 completed + 2 pursuing

Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Katral A, Hossain F, Zunjare RU, Ragi S, Kasana RK, Duo H, Gopinath I, Mehta BK, Guleria SK, Thimmegowda V, Vasudev S, Kumar B, Karjagi CG, Pandey S, Neeraja CN, Yadava DK and Muthusamy V* (2024) Maize genotypes with favourable dgat1-2 and fatb alleles possess stable high kernel oil and fatty acid health and nutritive indices. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.134848 (IF: 8.2) (NAAS: I192/14.20)
  2. Gopinath I, Hossain F, Thambiyannan S, Sharma N, Duo H, Kasana RK, Katral A, Devlash R, Veluchamy SSKR, Zunjare RU, Sekhar JC, Guleria SK, Rajasekaran R and Muthusamy V* (2024) Unraveling popping quality through insights on kernel physical, agro-morphological, and quality traits of diverse popcorn (Zea mays var. everta) inbreds from indigenous and exotic germplasm. Food Research International 191: 114676 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2024.114676 (IF: 8.1) (NAAS: F061/ 14.10)
  3. Katral A, Hossain F, Zunjare RU, Mishra SJ, Ragi S, Kasana RK, Chhabra R, Thimmegowda V, Vasudev S, Kumar S, Bhat JS, Neeraja CN, Yadava DK and Muthusamy V* (2024) Enhancing kernel oil and tailoring fatty acid composition by genomics-assisted selection for dgat1-2 and fatb genes in multi-nutrient rich maize: new avenue for food, feed and bioenergy. The Plant Journal https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.16926 (IF: 7.2) (NAAS: P113/ 13.20)
  4. Gopinath I, Hossain F, Zunjare RU, Thambiyannan S, Kumar S, Bhatt V, Chand G, Veluchamy SSKR, Kumar B, Sekhar JC, Singh G, Rajasekaran R and Muthusamy V* (2024) Genetic analysis of popping quality traits and development of superior quality popcorn hybrids for sustainable popcorn breeding program in India. Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.13748 (IF: 4.1) (NAAS: J575/ 10.10)
  5. Katral A, Hossain F, Gopinath I, Chand G, Mehta BK, Kamboj MC, Zunjare RU, Yadava DK and Muthusamy V* (2023) Genetic dissection of embryo size and weight related traits for enhancement of kernel oil in maize. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 197: 107668 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2023.107668 (IF: 5.437) (NAAS: P119/11.44)
  6. Katral A, Hossain F, Zunjare RU, Chhabra R, Vinutha T, Duo H, Kumar B, Karjagi CG, Jacob SR, Pandey S, Neeraja CN, Vasudev S and Muthusamy V* (2023) Multilocus functional characterization of indigenous and exotic inbreds for dgat1-2, fatb, ge2 and wri1a genes affecting kernel oil and fatty acid profile in maize. Gene 895: 148001 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gene.2023.148001 (IF: 3.5) (NAAS: G002/9.50)
  7. Maman S, Hossain F, Katral A, Zunjare RU, Gain N, Reddappa SB, Kasana R, Sekhar JC, Neeraja CN, Yadava DK and Muthusamy V* (2023) Influence of storage duration on retention of kernel tocopherols in vte4-based biofortified maize genotypes. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 123: 105626 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfca.2023.105626 (IF: 4.3) (NAAS: J257/10.30)
  8. Gopinath I, Muthusamy V*, Katral A, Zunjare RU, Madhavan J, Yathish KR, Sekhar JC and Hossain F (2023) Meta-QTL analysis and identification of candidate genes governing popping quality attributes in maize. South African Journal of Botany https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sajb.2023.06.032 (IF: 3.111) (NAAS: S066/9.11)
  9. Ragi S, Muthusamy V*, Zunjare RU, Bhatt V, Katral A, Abhijith KP, Chand G, Mishra SJ, Sekhar JC, Yadava DK and Hossain F (2022) Genetic variation for grain phytate and molecular characterization of low phytic acid-2 (lpa2) gene-based maize (Zea mays L.) inbreds. Plant Breeding 141:212–222 https://doi.org/10.1111/pbr.13006 (IF: 2.536) (NAAS: P098/8.54)
  10. Dutta S, Muthusamy V*, Hossain F, Baveja A, Chhabra R, Jha SK, Yadava DK and Zunjare RU (2020) Analysis of genetic variability for retention of kernel carotenoids in sub-tropically adapted biofortified maize under different storage conditions. Journal of Cereal Science 93: 102987 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcs.2020.102987 (IF: 4.075) (NAAS: J135/10.08)

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Biofortified Maize Hybrids (13): Pusa Biofortified Maize Hybrid-5, Pusa Biofortified Maize Hybrid-4, Pusa Biofortified Maize Hybrid-3, Pusa Biofortified Maize Hybrid-2, Pusa Biofortified Maize Hybrid-1, Pusa VQPM-9 Improved, Pusa VH27 Improved, Pusa HQPM1 Improved, Pusa HQPM5 Improved, Pusa HQPM7 Improved, Pusa HM4 Improved, Pusa HM8 Improved and Pusa HM9 Improved
  1. Sweet Corn Hybrids (2): Pusa Super Sweet Corn-1 and Pusa Super Sweet Corn-2
  1. Baby Corn Hybrids (2): Pusa HM4 Male Sterile Baby Corn (Shishu) and HM4 Male Sterile Baby Corn-2
  1. Popcorn Hybrids (2): Pusa Popcorn Hybrid-1 and Pusa Popcorn Hybrid-2
  1. Fodder Maize Hybrid (1): Pusa Forage Maize Hybrid-1

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Young Scientist Award by three National Science Academies INSA (2022), NASI (2021) and NAAS (2022)
  1. NAAS-Associateship (2022); ISGPB-Fellow (2020); MTAI-Fellow (2024)
  1. Srinivasa Ramanujam Award for Young Scientist (2021) - Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding (ISGPB); Pran Vohra Award by Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Kolkata (2019); Dr. NN Singh Young Scientist Award (2024) - Maize Technologists Association of India (MTAI)
  1. Maize-Asia Youth Innovators Award for development of biofortified provitamin-A rich QPM maize hybrids by CIMMYT, CGIAR Research program on Maize and YPARD (2018)
  1. ICAR-Jawaharlal Nehru Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Agricultural and Allied Sciences (2014) & IARI-Merit Medal for Outstanding Academic performance in the PhD programme (2013)