M.Sc. : Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur
Ph.D : Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi; Postdoc - University of Western Australia
Google Scholar
PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Agronomy
No. of Students Guided : - M.Sc : 06
Ph.D : 06
Barman, A., Pooniya, V*., Zhiipao, R.R., Biswakarma, N., Kumar, D., et al. (2025). Pre- and post-anthesis dry matter and nutrient accumulation, partitioning, remobilization and crop productivity of maize under the long-term integrated crop management practices, European Journal of Agronomy, 164, 127527 (NAAS rating: 10.50)
Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only
- Pooniya, V., Shivay, Y.S., Rana, A., Nain, L., Prasanna, R. (2012) Enhancing soil nutrient dynamics and productivity of Basmati rice through residue incorporation and zinc fertilization. European Journal of Agronomy 41:28-37. (NAAS rating 11.72)
- Pooniya, V*., Biswakarma, N., Parihar, C.M., Swarnalakshmi, K., Lama, A., Zhiipao, R.R., et al. 2020. Six years of conservation agriculture and nutrient management in maize-mustard rotation: impact on soil properties, system productivity and profitability. Field Crops Research 260: 108002. (NAAS rating 12.15)
- Barman, A., Pooniya, V*., Zhiipao, R.R., Biswakarma, N., Kumar, D., et al. 2024. Integrated crop management for the long-term sustainability of maize-wheat rotation focusing on productivity, energy and carbon footprints. Energy, 311, 133304. (NAAS rating 15.00)
- Biswakarma, N., Pooniya, V*., Zhiipao, R.R., Kumar, D., Shivay, Y.S., Das, T.K., et al. 2023. Identification of a resource-efficient integrated crop management practice for the rice-wheat rotations in South Asian Indo-Gangetic Plains. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (Netherlands) 357, 108675 (NAAS rating 12.58).
- Pooniya, V., Palta, J.A., Chen, Y., Delhaize, E. and Siddique, K.H.M. (2019) Impact of the TaMATE1B gene on above and below-ground growth of durum wheat grown on an acid and Al3+-toxic soil. Plant and Soil 1-12. (NAAS rating 10.99)
- Biswakarma, N., Pooniya, V*., Zhiipao, R.R., Kumar, D., Verma, A.K., Shivay, Y.S., et al. 2021. Five years integrated crop management in direct seeded rice–zero till wheat rotation of north-western India: Effects on soil carbon dynamics, crop yields, water productivity and economic profitability. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 318: 107492. (NAAS rating 12.58)
- Pooniya, V*., Zhiipao, R.R., Biswakarma, N. et al. 2022. Conservation agriculture-based integrated crop management sustains productivity and economic profitability along with soil properties of the maize-wheat rotation. Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-022-05962-w. (NAAS rating 11.00)
- Das, B., Pooniya, V*., Shivay, Y.S., Zhiipao, R.R., Biswakarma, N., Kumar, D. et al. 2024. Twenty-one years’ impact of using organic amendments on the productivity of rice-wheat rotation and soil properties. Field Crops Research 309, 109311 (NAAS rating 12.15)
- Zhiipao, R. R., Pooniya, V*., Kumar, D., Biswakarma, N. et al. 2024. Late-sown stress afflict post-anthesis dry matter and nutrient partitioning and their remobilization in aestivum wheat genotypes. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, e12693. https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12693 (NAAS rating 9.50)
- Zhiipao, R.R., Pooniya, V*., Kumar, D., Biswakarma, N., Shivay, Y.S., Dass, A. et al. 2023. Above and below-ground growth, accumulated dry matter and nitrogen remobilization of wheat (Triticum aestivum) genotypes grown in PVC tubes under well- and deficit-watered conditions. Front. Plant Sci. 14:1087343. (NAAS rating 12.63)
Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :
- Integrated crop management in cereal and pulse-based cropping systems
- Agronomic biofortification of foodgrains with zinc and other micronutrients
- Late-sown stress afflict post-anthesis dry matter and nutrient partitioning and their remobilization in wheat genotypes
- Associated with the development of PJHM-1&2 and 3, Pusa HQPM-5 Improved, Pusa HQPM-7 Improved, Pusa HQPM-1 Improved, Pusa Biofortified Maize Hybrid-1, Pusa HM4 etc.
- Dissemination of climate-resilient technologies to enhance adaptive capacity, productivity and profitability - Developed and validated drought contingency plan, and large-scale OFTs were conducted {~360 field trials} to enhance RUE and farm-profits.
Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :
- Australian Govt. Endeavour postdoc fellow of the University of Western Australia
- Associate Fellow National Academy of Agricultural Sciences
- Young Scientist National Academy of Agricultural Sciences
- International Zinc Association (IZA) - Fertiliser Association of India (FAI) award
- ISA P.S. Deshmukh Young Agronomist Award