भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Agricultural Economics      (14 scientists)

Dr Pramod Kumar


Field of Specialisation : Rural finance, crop insurance

Dr Pramod Kumar

Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore

Ph.D : Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   10

   Ph.D :   8

Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Manaswi, B.H., Pramod Kumar, Prakash P., Anbukkani P., Amit Kar, G.K.Jha, D.U.M. Rao & V. Lenin (2020) Impact of farmer producer Organisation on organic chilli production in Telangana, India, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, vol 19(1):33-43
  2. Manaswi, B.H., Pramod Kumar, Prakash P., Anbukkani P., Amit Kar, G. K. Jha & D.U.M. Rao (2019) Impact of Farmer Producer Organisation on organic chilli (Capsicum Fritescense) production in Telangana, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol 89(11):1850-1854
  3. Vikram Yogi, Pramod Kumar, P. Prakash, Amit Kar, D.R. Singh, Rashmi Singh, Prawin Arya and O.P.Awasthi (2019) An economic evaluation of kinnow cultivation in north western India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(10): 1684-7
  4. Jayakumara R Varadan and Pramod Kumar (2014) indegenous knowledge about climate change: Validating thevperceptions of dryland farmers in Tamil Nadu, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, Vol 13(2): pp 390-397
  5. Jayakumara R. Varadan, Pramod Kumar, G.K.Jha, Suresh Pal and Rashmi Singh (2017) An exploratory study on occurance and impact of climate change on agroculture in Tamil Nadu, India, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 127: 993-1010
  6. Jayakumara R. Varadan (2015) Mapping agricultural vulnerability of Tamil Nadu, India ti climate change: A dynamic approach to take forward the vulnerability assessment methodology, Clinatic change Vol 128(1-2).
  7. Prakash P, Pramod Kumar, K V Reddy, K N R Kumar, S Konduru, V Paramesh, G A Rajanna, S K Shankarappa, D Jaganathan, S Immanuel, A L Kamble, R Selvakumar, K T Immanuelraj, B R Manogaran, Anbukkani P, U Maruthanayagam, S Niranjan (2022) Protected Cultivation of Horticultural Crops as a Livelihood Opportunity in Western India: An Economic Assessment, Sustainability, 14(12):7430-7447
  8. Pramod Kumar, Amit Kar, Dharam Raj Singh, P Prakash, AL Kamble, KV Reddy, SGC Shivmurthy, P Anbukkani, PS Badal, V Kamalvanshi, GK Jha, MS Nain, A Alataway, A Dewidar, HO Elansary (2021) Protected cultivation of horticultural crops in Uttarakhand: An Economic Analysis, Agronomy, 11:692-716
  9. A Reddy, SS Raju, A Suresh, P Kumar (2018) Analysis of Pearl Millet Market Structure and Value Chain in lndia, Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 8(2), 1-19
  10. Lenin Venu, Baldeo Singh, Pramod Kumar and K. Vijayaragavan (2013), Agricultural extension in India - the effectiveness of the Agricultural Technology Management Agency, OutIook on Agriculture, March 42(1):65 -7 2

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Dr. R.T Doshi Foundation Award (second prize) for best paper presentation, by AERA
  1. Dr N.A. Mazumdar Award for best paper presented at 78th Annual conference of Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics at IEG, Delhi, during 1-3, Nov 2018