M.Sc. : Department of Agronomy, MPUA&T, Udaipur, Rajasthan-313001
Ph.D : Division of Agronomy, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-12
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PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Agronomy
No. of Students Guided : - M.Sc : 07-IARI+02-ANASTU Student
Ph.D : 04
Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only
- Parihar, C.M., Parihar, M.D., Sapkota, T.B., Nanwal, R.K., Singh, A. K., Jat, S. L., Nayak, H.S., Mahala, D. M., Singh, L.K., Kakraliya, S.K., Stirling, C. M. and Jat M.L*. 2018. Long-term impact of conservation agriculture and diversified maize rotations on carbon pools and stocks, mineral nitrogen fractions and nitrous oxide fluxes in Inceptisol of India. Science of the Total Environment 640�641:1382-1392.NAAS JrnID: S013; (NAAS Rating: 15.80).
- Parihar, C. M., Jat, S. L., Singh, A. K., Kumar, B., Rathore, N.S., Jat, M. L., Saharawat, Y. S and Kuri, B.R. 2018. Energy auditing of long-term conservation agriculture based irrigated intensive maize systems in semi-arid tropics of India. Energy 142: 289-302. NAAS JrnID: E056; (NAAS Rating: 15.00).
- Parihar, C. M., Jat, S. L., Singh, A. K., Majumdar, K., Jat, M. L., Saharawat, Y. S., Pradhan S., and Kuri, B.R. 2017. Bio-energy, biomass water-use efficiency and economics of maize-wheat-mungbean system under precision-conservation agriculture in semi-arid agro-ecosystem. Energy 119:245-256.NAAS JrnID: E056; (NAAS Rating: 15.00).
- Parihar, C. M., Yadav, M. R., Jat, S. L., Singh, A. K., Kumar, B., Pradhan S., Chakraborty, D., Jat, M. L., Jat, R. K., Saharawat, Y. S. and Yadav, O. P. 2016. Long term effect of conservation agriculture in maize rotations on total organic carbon, physical and biological properties of a sandy loam soil in north-western Indo-Gangetic Plains. Soil & Tillage Research 161: 116-128.NAAS JrnID: S056; NAAS Rating: 12.50).
- Parihar, C. M., Singh, A. K., Jat, S. L., Ghosh, A., Dey, A., Nayak, H.S., Parihar, M.D., Mahala, D. M., Yadav, R. K., Rai, V., Satayanaryana, T. and Jat, M. L. 2019. Dependence of temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition on nutrient management options under conservation agriculture in a sub-tropical Inceptisol. Soil & Tillage Research 190: 50-60. NAAS JrnID: S056; NAAS Rating: 12.50).
- Parihar, C. M., Singh, A. K., Jat, S. L., Dey, A., Nayak, H.S., Mandal, B.N., Saharawat, Y.S., Jat, M. L. and Yadav, O. P. 2020. Soil quality and carbon sequestration under conservation agriculture with balanced nutrition in intensive cereal based system. Soil and Tillage Research.202: 104653. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2020.104653.NAAS JrnID: S056; NAAS Rating: 12.50).
- Parihar, C.M., Jat, S.L., Singh, A.K., Kumar, B., Yadvinder-Singh, Pradhan, S., Pooniya, V., Dhauja, A., Chaudhary, V., Jat, M.L., Jat, R.K. and Yadav, O.P. 2016. Conservation agriculture in irrigated intensive maize-based systems of north-western India: Effects on crop yields, water productivity and economic profitability. Field Crops Research 193:104-116.NAAS JrnID: F011; NAAS Rating: 11.80).
- Parihar, C. M., Nayak, H.S., Rai, V., Jat, S. L., Parihar, N., Aggarwal, P and Mishra, A.K. 2019. Soil water dynamics, water productivity and radiation use efficiency of maize under multi-year conservation agriculture during contrasting rainfall events. Field Crops Research 241: 107570. NAAS JrnID: F011; NAAS Rating: 11.80).
- Parihar, C. M., Jat, S. L., Singh, A. K., Ghosh, A., Rathore, N.S., Kumar, B., Pradhan, S., Majumdar, K., Satyanarayana, T., Jat, M. L., Saharawat, Y. S., Kuri, B.R., and Saveipune, D. 2017. Effects of precision conservation agriculture in a maize-wheat-mungbean rotation on crop yield, water use and radiation conversion under a semiarid agro-ecosystem. Agricultural Water Management 192: 306-319. NAAS JrnID: A0102; NAAS Rating: 12.70).
- Parihar, C.M., Jat, S.L., Singh, A. K., Datta, A., Parihar, M.D., Varghese, E.., Bandyopadhyay, K.K., Nayak, H.S., Kuri, B.R. and Jat M.L. 2018. Changes in carbon pools and biological activities of a sandy loam soil under long-term conservation agriculture and diversified cropping systems. European Journal of Soil Science 69: 902-912. NAAS JrnID: E157; NAAS Rating: 10.20).
Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :
- Point placement of nitrogen splits for enhanced N use efficiency in conservation agriculture-based maize-ICAR Certified technology-ICAR-NRM-IARI-Technology-2023-072.
- Interpretable machine learning methods for sustainable intensification prioritization at landscape scale-ICAR Certified methodology-ICAR-NRM-IARI-Methodology-2023-073.
- Integration of legumes in raised bed-based conservation agriculture in maize-wheat system for higher resource use efficiency-ICAR Certified technology-ICAR-NRM-IARI-Technology-2023-074.
- Conservation agriculture technology to develop adaptation-led mitigation in diversified maize systems-ICAR Certified technology-ICAR-NRM-IIMR-Technology-2024-188.
- Developed a Copyright �Expert System for Maize �AgriDaksh-Government of India Copyright No-SW-7566/2013.
Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :
- Fellow National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS)-2021.
- ICAR-IARI Best Teacher Awards in Agricultural Higher Education-2021
- Fertilizer Association of India (FAI) Golden Jubilee Award-2019; 2017 for Excellence in Fertilizer Use Research and Efficient Nutrient Management, FAI, New Delhi.
- P. S. Deshmukh Young Agronomist Award-2014, Indian Society of Agronomy, New Delhi.
- The Mosaic Company Foundation Young Scientist Award-2018-19 on 12th March 2019 at Shagal Foundation, Gurugram, Haryana, India and Young Scientist Award-2015, ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research (IIMR), New Delhi.