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Plant Pathology      (24 scientists)

Dr Susheel Kumar Sharma


Field of Specialisation : Plant Virology, Host-virus Interactions, Diagnostics and Management

Dr Susheel Kumar Sharma

Sr. Scientist

M.Sc. : ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

Ph.D : ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

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Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Devi OP, Sharma SK, Sanatombi K, Devi KS, Pathaw N, Roy SS, Chanu NT, Sanabam R, Devi HC, Singh AR and Baranwal VK. 2023. A simplified multiplex PCR assay for simultaneous detection of six viruses infecting diverse chilli species in India and its application in field diagnosis. Pathogens, 12: 6. https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens12010006 (NAAS Rating: 10.53) [Role: Corresponding Author]
  2. Sharma SK, Pathaw N, Wangkhem B, Jackson KS, Devi KS, Roy SS, Singh AR, Singh R, Banerjee A, Kumar S, Ningombam A, Firake DM and Singh TS. 2022. Simple template-based reverse transcription-recombinase polymerase amplification assay for routine diagnosis of citrus tristeza virus. Letters in Applied Microbiology https://doi.org/10.1093/lambio/ovac060 (NAAS Rating: 8.81) [Role: First & Corresponding Author]
  3. Sharma SK, Ghosh A, Gupta N, Singh AK, Diksha D, Thapa P, Jangra S and Baranwal VK. 2022. Evidence for association of southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus with the recently emerged stunting disease of rice in North-West India. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. 82 (4): 512-516. doi: 10.31742/ISGPB.82.4.16 (NAAS Rating: 7.34) [Role: First Author]
  4. Sharma SK, Chanu Ng T, Anand YR, Singh YH, Singh S, Raj C, Baranwal VK, Rai R, Sanabam R, Roy SS, Ansari MA and Prakash N. 2019. First report of large cardamom chirke virus, a macluravirus naturally infecting chilli crop in India. Plant Disease https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-09-18-1584-PDN (NAAS Rating: 10.61) [Role: First & Corresponding Author]
  5. Singh YH, Sharma SK, Sinha B, Baranwal VK, Singh NB, Chanu NT, Roy SS, Ansari MA, Ningombam A, Devi PS, Das AK, Singh S, Singh KM and Prakash N. 2019. Genetic Variability Based on Tandem Repeat Numbers in a Genomic Locus of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ Prevalent in North East India. The Plant Pathology Journal. 35: 644-653. (NAAS Rating: 8.32) [Role: Corresponding Author]
  6. Sanabam S, Chanu NT, Sharma SK, Roy SS, Ansari MA, and Prakash N. 2018. Genetic diversity of Chilli veinal mottle virus infecting different chilli landraces in North East India indicates the possibility of transboundary movement of virus. 3 Biotech 8:357, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-018-1382-0. (NAAS Rating: 8.89) [Role: Corresponding Author]
  7. Sharma SK, Vignesh Kumar P, Geetanjali, AS, Pun, KB, Baranwal VK. 2015. Subpopulation level variation of banana streak viruses in India and common evolution of banana and sugarcane badnaviruses. Virus Genes 50: 450-465. (NAAS Rating: 8.20) [Role: First Author]
  8. Sharma SK, Vignesh Kumar P and Baranwal VK. 2014a. Immunodiagnosis of episomal Banana streak MY virus using polyclonal antibodies to an expressed putative coat protein. Journal of Virological Methods 207: 86-94. (NAAS Rating: 8.62) [Role: First Author]
  9. Sharma SK, Vignesh Kumar P, Poswal R, Rai R, Geetanjali AS, Prabha K, Jain RK and Baranwal VK. 2014b. Occurrence and distribution of banana streak disease and standardization of a reliable detection procedure for routine indexing of banana streak viruses in India. Scientia Horticulturae 179: 277-283. (NAAS Rating: 10.34) [Role: First Author]
  10. Sharma SK, Tarafdar A, Khatun D, Sumita K and Biswas KK. 2012. Intra-farm diversity and evidence of genetic recombination of Citrus tristeza virus isolates in Delhi region of India. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 21: 38-43. (NAAS Rating: 7.53) [Role: First Author]

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Diagnostics: A simplified multiplex PCR assay for simultaneous detection of six viruses infecting chilli
  1. Diagnostics: Novel isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) assay for detection of chilli veinal mottle virus (ChiVMV), citrus tristeza virus, huanglongbing-associated Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus and passion fruit potyvirus
  1. Management: Ecological engineering based integrated viral disease management module for king chilli
  1. Methodology: Construction of an infectious clone of banana streak MY virus & methodology of screening of banana genotypes
  1. Co-developer of Varieties [Recommended for release as state variety by State Sub-committee on Crop Standard Notification and Release of Varieties, Manipur]: Rice – 4 (Rice variety RC Maniphou-13, Rice variety RC Maniphou-14, Rice variety RC Maniphou-15, Rice variety RC Maniphou-16); Brinjal -1 (RC Manikhamen-1); Perilla – 2 (RC Manithoiding-1, RC Manithoiding-2); Maize – 2 (RC Manichujak-1, RC Manichujak-2)

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. NAAS Associate-2024 (Plant Protection Sciences) and NAAS Young Scientist Award (Plant Protection) (biennium 2019-20) by National Academy of Agricultural Sciences
  1. Certificate of Excellence from Shanghai Cooperation Organization–1st Young Scientists Conclave (SCO-YSC-2020) on the theme ‘Shaping SCO-STI Partnership: Young Scientists Perspectives’ by Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) – Young Scientist Forum (YSF) by Department of Science and Technology, GOI
  1. ISCA Young Scientist Award by the Indian Science Congress Association in section of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (year: 2018-19)
  1. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Award for Outstanding Research in Tribal Farming Systems-2017 by ICAR, New Delhi (Team Award)
  1. INSTITUTE & SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES AWARDS: 1. IAHF Young Scientist Award-2019 by Indian Association of Hill Farming (year: 2022) 2. M.K Patel Memorial Young Scientist Award by Indian Phytopathological Society (year: 2021) 3. Best Scientist of Institute Award by ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya (year: 2016) 4. IARI-Best Student of the Year Award for overall outstanding performance in M.Sc. & Ph.D. programme