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Floriculture & Landscaping      (9 scientists)

Dr Babita Singh


Field of Specialisation : Production and Post Harvest Management, Landscaping

Dr Babita Singh

Sr. Scientist

M.Sc. : G.B. Pant Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Pantnagar, Nainital (U.P).

Ph.D : G.B. Pant Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Pantnagar, Nainital (U.P).

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Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Babita Singh, S. S. Sindhu, Ajay Arora and Harendra Yadav.2019.Evaluation of physiological and growing behavior of warm season turf grass species against salinity stress. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 89 (3): 482�8.
  2. Babita Singh, Ritu Jain, S. S. Sindhu, Prabhat Kumar, Harendra Yadav, and Raman Kumar. 2018. Standardization of glycerine preservation for ornamental foliage of different species suitable for value addition. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 88 (12): 1879�86.
  3. Babita Singh, S.S. Sindhu, Rohit Pinder, Harendra Yadav, Namita and T. K. Das. 2018. Effect of pre and Post emergence herbicide for weed management in Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) var. Tif dwarf 419. Indian Journal of Agriculture sciences 88(1):70-73.
  4. Sellam P., Babita Singh, Puja Rai and Jayoti Majumder .2016.Potential of field grown sweet sultan (Centaurea moschata) as cut flower based on vase life. Indian J. Agrl. Sciences.4 (86):.465-470.
  5. Sellam P.,Jayoti Majumder,Puja Rai and Babita Singh.2015.Effect of plant bioregulators on the vase life of snapdragon(Antirrhinum majus) cut flowers. Indian J.Agrl. Sciences.11 (85): 1565-1570.
  6. Kavita Joshi,Satish Chand,Ranjan Srivastava and Babita Singh.2012.Effect of plant bioregulators on vegetative and floral attributes of gladiolus. Indian J.of Hort.4(69): 602-605.

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Evaluation of turf grasses for salt stress conditions.
  1. Standardization of glycerinization of cut foliges.
  1. Standardization of extraction of natural colors from ornamental crops.
  1. Standardization of weed management in turf grass.
  1. Standardization of drying techniques for flowers and greens.

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Best Hindi Article Writing Award, 2019 by IARI, New Delhi
  1. Best Oral Presentation award at Medziphema,Nagaland.2017
  1. Best Oral Presentation award at GBPUA&T,Pantnagar.2017
  1. Best Oral Presentation award at Udaipur.2019
  1. Certificate of Appreciation for the significant contribution for Indian society of Ornamental Horticulture (ISOH) as a Treasurer.