भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Agricultural Extension      (15 scientists)

Dr Satyapriya


Field of Specialisation : Climate change, Training and Agri-Nutrition Education

Dr Satyapriya

Head, Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Ph.D : Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Agricultural Extension

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   3

Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Satyapriya, Agrawal RK, Sharma P, Singh Maharaj and Kumar S.2013.Knowledge level of fodder cultivating farmers about berseem production technology.Range Mgmt. & Agroforestry 34 (1): 73-76.
  2. Satyapriya, Sharma Purushottam, Pandey Sadhna, Biradar N., and Radotra S.2012.Technological gap analysis of livestock production system in humid ecosystem of India. Range Mgmt. & Agroforestry, 33 (1): 89-91.
  3. Satyapriya, Singh P., Sangeetha V., Paul S., Barua S., Mathur Pulkit., Rathore H. and Keshava .2019. Consumer Behavioral Intention and Perception towards Organic Foods in National Capital of India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 89(4): 588-595
  4. Satyapriya, Sitaram Bishnoi, Rubeka, Monika Yadav, R. P. Singh and Premlata Singh. 2021. Strategies for Promoting Biofortified Crops/Foods for Nutrition and Health: Extensionists and Farmer's Perspective. Indian Journal of Extension Education. 57,(1):39-44
  5. Satyapriya, Singh P., Sangeetha V., Lenin V., Paul S. & Barua S. 2017. �Video Led Learning for Agri-Nutrition Education: A Participatory Assessment�, Indian Journal of Extension Education, Vol. 53, No. 1, 2017, 60-65..
  6. Satyapriya, Singh P., Sangeetha V., Paul S., Barua S., Mathur Pulkit,., Rathore H. and Keshava .2019. Consumer be havioural intention and perception towards organic foods in national capital of India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 89(4): 588-595.
  7. Anirban, Singh Premlata, Ray Mrinmoy, Satyapriya and Burman Rajarshi Roy. 2018. Enhancing farmers income through farmers producers companies in India: status and roadmap. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 88 (8): 115161
  8. P Kharumnuid, S Sarkar, P Singh, S Priya, BS Tomar, DK Singh. 2017.An assessment of contract farming system for potato seed production in Punjab-A case study Indian Journal of Horticulture 74 (3), 453-457
  9. S Paul, S Vellaichamy, Satyapriya, P Singh.2018 Nutritional security vis-a-vis food production in India: the strength of agri-nutri linkage in retrospec. tCurrent Science 114 (3), 439-441
  10. J Rohit, P Singh, VP Chahal, and Satyapriya. 2020. Skill Gap Analysis of Extensionists working in Krishi Vigyan Kendras in India Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90 (2), 26872

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Development & standardization of a scale to measure socio economic status of farmers practicing livestock based farming
  1. Developed expert system on fodder and grasses
  1. Conceptualize and established ADARSH CHARA GRAM at Datia Bundelkhnad part of , MP
  1. Developed e-chara library at ADARSH CHARA GRAM at Datia Bundelkhnad part of , MP
  1. Developed and appllied for copy right for 5 D Battery of measuring managerial competency

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Best Scientific Acchievement Award, 2014 by ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
  1. Best Team Award, by ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
  1. Dr K N Singh Memorial Award by ISEE, New Delhi
  1. Dr G S Vidyarthi Memorial Award by ISEE, New Delhi
  1. Chief Editor, Indian Journal of Extension Education, New Delhi