Microbiology Research Publications

Seema Sangwan, Radha Prasanna (2025). Airport travel and your footwear as a pathogen transmission vector – should you be concerned, The Microbiologist, Applied Microbiology International, 5137 (NAAS rating: -)
Yaadesh S, Tomar GS, Kaushik R, Prasanna R, Grover M* (2023). Azospirillum-Bacillus associations: synergistic effects on in vitro PGP traits and growth of pearl millet at early seedling stage under limited moisture conditions., 3 Biotech Springer, 13 (3):90 (NAAS rating: 8.89)
Seema Sangwan*, Garima Saxena, Ram Swaroop Bana and Radha Prasanna (2023). Regulatory Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi and Helper Bacteria Associations in P and N Dynamics in Agriculture., Journal of Advances in Microbiology Research , 6: 026 (NAAS rating: 1.3)
Akshay K. Yogi, Ram Swaroop Bana, Samarth Godara, Seema Sangwan*, Anil K. Choudhary*, Ravi C. Nirmal, Shanti D. Bamboriya, Yashbir S. Shivay, Deepak Singh, Teekam Singh, Achchhelal Yadav, Shivani Nagar and Nirupma Singh. (2023). Elucidating the interactive impact of tillage, residue retention and system intensification on pearl millet yield stability and biofortification under rainfed agro-ecosystems. , Frontier in Nutrition, 10: 1205926. (NAAS rating: 10)
Ram Swaroop Bana, Vipin Kumar, Seema Sangwan *, Teekam Singh, Annu Kumari, Sachin Dhanda, Rakesh Dawar, Samarth Godara and Vijay Singh. (2022). Seed Germination Ecology of Chenopodium album and Chenopodium murale, Biology, 11 (11): 1599 (NAAS rating: 9.4)
Nandal, P., Sharma, S., and Arora, A. 2019. Bioprospecting non-conventional yeasts for ethanol production from rice straw hydrolysate and their inhibitor tolerance. Renewable Energy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2019.09.067
Sharma, S., Nandal, P. and Arora, A. 2019. Ethanol production from NaOH pretreated rice straw: a cost effective option to manage rice crop residue.Waste and Biomass Valorisation. 10: 3427 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12649-018-0360-4
Sharma, S., Varghese, E., Arora, A., Singh, K.N., Singh, S., Nain, L. and Paul, D. 2018. Augmenting pentose utilization and ethanol production of native Saccharomyces cerevisiae LN using medium engineering and response surface methodology. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 6:132. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2018.00132
Arora, A. and Carrier, D.J. 2015. Understanding the Pine Dilute Acid Pretreatment system for enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis. The ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 3 (10): 2423–2428 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.5b00417
Saritha, M., Rajan, K., Carrier, D. J., Nain, L., Arora, A. 2015. Insights into biological delignification of rice straw by Trametes hirsuta and Myrothecium roridum and comparison of saccharification yields with dilute acid pretreatment. Biomass Bioenergy 76:54-60
Amat, D., Arora, A. Lata and Saxena A.K. 2014. Biomass hydrolyzing enzymes from plant pathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae: Optimizing production and characterization. Annals of Microbiology, Annals of Microbiology 64:267-274 (DOI: 10.1007/s13213-013-0659-0 )
Arora, A., Martin, E., Pelkki M. H. and Carrier D. J. 2013. The effect of formic acid and furfural on enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose powder and dilute acid pretreated poplar hydrolysates. The ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, DOI: 10.1021/sc3000702, 1, 23−28
Saritha Mohanram, Amat, D., Choudhary, J., Arora, A. and Lata Nain 2013. Novel perspectives for evolving enzyme cocktails for lignocellulose hydrolysis in biorefineries. Sustainable Chemical Processes, 1:15
Saritha, M., Arora, A., Singh, S. and Lata. 2013. Streptomyces griseorubens mediated delignification of paddy straw for improved enzymatic saccharification yields. Bioresource Technology, 135:12-17.
Saritha, M., Arora, A and Lata. 2012. Pretreatment of paddy straw with Trametes hirsuta for improved enzymatic saccharification. Bioresource Technology, 104; 459–465
Kaushik, R., Saxena, A.K. and Tilak, K.V.B.R. (2002). Can Azospirillum strains capable of growing at sub-optimal temperature perform better in field grown wheat rhizosphere. Biology and fertility of soils. 35. 92-95
Kaushik, R., Saxena, A.K. and Tilak, K.V.B.R. (2000). Selection of Tn5::lacZ mutants isogenic to wild type Azospirillum brasilense strains capable of growing at sub-optimal temperature. World J. Microbiol. and Biotechnol. 16. 567-570.
Kaushik, R., Saxena, A.K. and Tilak, K.V.B.R. (2001). Selection and evaluation of low temperature tolerant strains of Azospirillum brasilense in rhizocoenosis with wheat. Folia Microbiologica. 46 (4): 327-332
Kaur, A., Chaudhary, A., Kaur, A., Choudhary, R. and Kaushik, R., 2005. Phospholipid fatty acid�a bioindicator of environment monitoring and assessment in soil ecosystem. Current Science, pp.1103-1112.
Yadav, S, Kaushik, R., Saxena, A. K. and Arora, D. K. (2010) Diversity and phylogeny of plant growth-promoting bacilli from moderately acidic soil. Journal of Basic Microbiology, 51, 98�106.
Vardhan, S., Kaushik, R., Saxena, A. K. and Arora, D. K., (2011). Restriction analysis and partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene as index for rapid identification of Bacillus species. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 99(2):283-96.
Singh RN, Gaba S, Yadav AN, Gaur P, Gulati S, Kaushik R, Saxena AK. (2016). First high-quality draft genome sequence of a plant growth promoting and cold active enzyme producing psychrotrophic Arthrobacter agilis strain L77. Standards in genomic sciences. 11(1):54.
Yadav AN, Sharma D, Gulati S, Singh S, Dey R, Pal KK, Kaushik R, Saxena AK, (2015). Haloarchaea endowed with phosphorus solubilization attribute implicated in phosphorus cycle. SREP-14-09815 Scientific Reports. 5: 12293
Singh D, Rajawat MVS, Kaushik R. Prasanna R, Saxena AK (2017). Beneficial role of endophytes in biofortification of Zn in wheat genotypes varying in nutrient use efficiency grown in soils sufficient and deficient in Zn. Plant Soil. 416:107-116
Yadav AN, Gulati S, Sharma D, Singh RN, Rajawat MV, Kumar R, Dey R, Pal KK, Kaushik R, Saxena AK (2019). Seasonal variations in culturable archaea and their plant growth promoting attributes to predict their role in establishment of vegetation in Rann of Kutch. Biologia: 74 (8):1031-43.
Manjunatha B.S., Sangeeta Paul, Chetana Aggarwal, S. Bandeppa, V. Govindasamy, Ajinath S. Dukare, Maheshwar S Rathi, CT Satyavathi, K Annapurna. (2019). Diversity and tissue preference of osmotolerant bacterial endophytes associated with pearl millet genotypes having differential drought susceptibilities. Microbial Ecology. 77: 676-688.
Bandeppa S., Sangeeta Paul, Jyoti Kumar Thakur, Chandrashekar N., Deepika Kumar Umesh, Chetana Aggarwal, A.D. Asha (2019). Antioxidant, physiological and biochemical responses of drought susceptible and drought tolerant mustard (Brassica juncea L) genotypes to rhizobacterial inoculation under water deficit stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 143: 19-28.
Bandeppa, Sangeeta Paul, Chetana Agarwal and Maheshwar Singh Rathi. (2018). Characterization of osmotolerant rhizobacteria for plant growth promoting activities in vitro and during plant-microbe association under osmotic stress. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 56: 582-589.
Chetana Aggarwal, Sangeeta Paul, Vishwas Tripathi, Bishwajeet Paul and Md. Aslam Khan (2017). Characterization of putative virulence factors of Serratia marcescens strain SEN for pathogenesis in Spodoptera litura. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 143: 115-123.
Chetana Aggarwal, Sangeeta Paul, Vishwas Tripathi, Bishwajeet Paul and Md. Aslam Khan (2015). Chitinolytic activity in Serratia marcescens (strain SEN) and potency against different instars of Spodoptera litura (Fab.) with effect of sublethal doses on insect development. BioControl. 60: 631-640.
Sangeeta Paul, Chetana Aggarwal, Jyoti Kumar Thakur, Bandeppa, Md. Aslam Khan, Lauren M Pearson, Gyorgy Babnigg, Carol S Giometti and Andrzej Joachimiak. (2015). Induction of osmoadaptive mechanisms and modulation of cellular physiology help Bacillus licheniformis strain SSA 61 adapt to salt stress. Current Microbiology. 70: 610-617.
Thakur J.K., Sangeeta Paul, Dureja P., Annapurna K., Padaria J.C. and Gopal M. (2014). Degradation of sulphonated Azo dye Red HE7B by Bacillus sp. and elucidation of degradative pathways. Current Microbiology. 69: 183-191.
Sangeeta Paul, Paul B., Khan M.A., Chetana Aggarwal, Thakur J.K. and Rathi M.S. (2013). Effects of lindane on lindane-degrading Azotobacter chroococcum; evaluation of toxicity of possible degradation product(s) on plant and insect. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 90: 351-356.
Jose T.C., Sangeeta Paul, Dureja P. and Dhar D.W. (2010). Physiological studies on endorhizospheric establishment of Azotobacter chroococcum in wheat. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 50: 266-273.
Anupama K.S. and Sangeeta Paul (2010). Ex situ and in situ biodegradation of lindane by Azotobacter chroococcum. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes 45:58-66.
Mahawar, H., Radha Prasanna, Gogoi, R., Singh, S.B., Chawla, G., Kumar, A.(2020) Synergistic effects of silver nanoparticles augmented Calothrix elenkinii for enhanced biocontrol efficacy against Alternaria blight challenged tomato plants. 3 Biotech 10, 102 doi 10.1007/s13205[NAAS Journal ID B130/NAAS Score 7.79; Impact Factor 1.786]
Bharti, A., Radha Prasanna*, Velmourougane K, Kumar, A., Shivay, Y.S., Nain, L. (2019) Development and characterization of cyanobacterium-amended mixes as nutrient-rich potting media. Waste and Biomass Valorization doi.org/10.1007/s12649-019-00829-0.[NAAS Journal ID W003/NAAS Score 8.36; IF 2.358]
Velmourougane, K., Radha Prasanna*, Supriya, P., Ramakrishnan, B., Thapa, S., Chawla, G., Kumar, A., Saxena, A.K. (2019) Transcriptome profiling provides insights into regulatory factors involved in Trichoderma viride-Azotobacter chroococcum biofilm formation. Microbiological Research 204: 55-64. doi: 10.1016/j.micres.2017.07.007 [NAAS Journal ID M045/NAAS Score 9.7; IF 3.701]
Thapa, S., Radha Prasanna*, Ranjan,K., Velmourougane, K., Ramakrishnan, B. (2017). Nutrients and host attributes modulate the abundance and functional traits of phyllosphere microbiome in rice. Microbiological Research 204: 55-64. doi: 10.1016/j.micres.2017.07.007 [NAAS Journal ID M045/NAAS Score 9.7; IF 3.701]
Velmourougane, K., Radha Prasanna*, Singh, S.B., Kumar, R., Saha, S. (2017) Sequence of inoculation influences the nature of exopolymeric substances and biofilm formation in Azotobacter chroococcum and Trichoderma viride. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 93: doi:10.1093/femsec/fix066. [NAAS Journal ID F004/ NAAS Score 9.50; IF 4.098]
Ranjan, K., Priya, H., Ramakrishnan, B., Radha Prasanna*, Venkatachalam, S., Thapa, S., Tiwari, R., Lata Nain, Singh, R., Shivay, Y.S. (2016) Cyanobacterial inoculation modifies the rhizosphere microbiome of rice planted to a tropical alluvial soil. Applied Soil Ecology 108:195-203.[NAAS Journal ID A241/ NAAS Score 8.92; IF 3.445]
Bidyarani, N., Radha Prasanna*, Babu, S., Hossain, F. Saxena, A.K. (2016) Enhancement of plant growth and yields in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) through novel cyanobacterial and biofilmed inoculants. Microbiological Research 188:97-105 [NAAS Journal ID M045/NAAS Score 9.7; IF 3.701]
Radha Prasanna*, Adak, A., Verma, S., Bidyarani, N., Babu, S., Pal, M., Shivay, Y.S., Nain, L. (2015). Microbial inoculation in rice grown under flooded and SRI modes of cultivation elicits differential effects on plant growth and nutrient dynamics. Ecological Engineering 84:532-541.[NAAS Journal ID E012/ NAAS Score 9.02; IF 3.406]
Dukare, A.S., Radha Prasanna*, Dubey, S.C., Chaudhary, V., Nain, L. Singh, R., Saxena, A.K. (2011). Evaluating novel microbe amended composts as biocontrol agents in tomato. Crop Protection 30:436[NAAS Journal ID C150 / NAAS Score 7.92; IF 2.172]
Nain, L., Rana, A., Joshi, M., Jadhav S.D., Kumar, D., Shivay, Y.S., Paul, S., Radha Prasanna* (2010). Evaluation of synergistic effects of bacterial and cyanobacterial strains as biofertilizers for wheat. Plant and Soil 331: 217-230.[NAAS Journal ID P116/ NAAS Score 9.31; IF 3.259]
Jinger, D., Dhar, S., Dass, A., Sharma, V.K., Shukla, L., Paramesh, V., Parihar, M., Joshi, N., Joshi, E., Gupta, G. and Singh, S., 2022. Residual Silicon and Phosphorus Improved the Growth, Yield, Nutrient Uptake and Soil Enzyme Activities of Wheat. Silicon, pp.1-16.
Syntrophic microbial system for ex-situ degradation of paddy straw at low temperature under controlled and natural environment L Shukla, A Suman, AN Yadav, P Verma, AK Saxena J App Biol Biotech 4 (2), 30-37
Shukla, L., Senapati, Ansuman; Tyagi, S. P.; Saxena, Anil Kumar (2014).Economically viable mass production of lignocellulolytic fungal inoculum for rapid degradation of agrowaste. Current science. 107:1701-1703.
Shukla, L., Pranaw, K. and Singh, S. (2010). Efficiency of newly isolated proteolytic, lipolytic and amylolytic bacterial isolates on degradation of different agro-wastes. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science. 80: 812-814.
Puranik, S., Singh, S.K. and Shukla, L., 2022. An Insight to Cold-Adapted Microorganisms and their Importance in Agriculture. In Survival Strategies in Cold-adapted Microorganisms (pp. 379-411). Springer, Singapore.
Kumar, D., Shukla, L., Singh, S.B., Nain, L. and Singh, S., 2021. Bacterial consortium for efficient degradation of di-ethyl phthalate in soil microcosm. Environmental Sustainability, 4(4), pp.797-804.
Muzamil, M., Mani, I., Kumar, A. and Shukla, L., 2021. An Engineering Intervention to Prevent Paddy Straw Burning Through In Situ Microbial Degradation. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, 102(1), pp.11-17.
Shukla, L. and Kumar Rajesh (2004). Evaluation of enriched plant residue compost prepared by utilizing paddy straw and bio inoculants. Annals of Agric. Research. 25: 451-452.
Shukla, L. Magu, S. P. and Das, T. K. (2001). Effect of Fluchloralin on soil microorganisms and nitrifiers. Ann. Pl. Protec. Sci. 9:109-112
Shukla, L. and Mathur R. S. (2000). Effect of biodegraded sugarcane trash on yield of and nutrient uptake by wheat crop. J. Ind. Soc. Soil Sci. 48:520-522
Singh, Y.V. 2013. Crop and water productivity as influenced by rice cultivation methods under organic and inorganic sources of nutrient supply. Paddy and Water Environment. 11(1-4): 531-542 (NAAS IF 7.26)
Suryavanshi, Priyanka, Singh, Y.V, Prasanna, R, Shivay, Y.S and Bhatia, A. 2013. Methane emission pattern and water productivity under different methods of rice crop establishment. Paddy and Water Environment. 11(1): 321-329 (NAAS IF 7.26)
Singh, Y.V; Singh, K.K and Sharma, S.K. 2013. Influence of crop nutrition and varieties under two systems of cultivation on quality, seed yield of rice and water productivity. Rice Science. 20(2): 129-138 (NAAS IF 8.37)
Saha, Soumya., Singh, Y. V. Sunita, Gaind., Kumar, Dinesh. 2014. Water productivity and nutrient status of rice soil in response to cultivation techniques and nitrogen fertilization. Paddy Water Environ. DOI 10.1007/s10333-014-0462-y (NAAS IF 7.26)
Sharma, SK., Singh, Y.V., Tyagi, S and Bhatia, Arti. 2015. Influence of rice varieties, nitrogen management and planting methods on methane emission and water productivity. Paddy Water Environ. DOI 10.1007/s10333-015-0502-2(NAAS IF 7.26)
Gaind, S and Singh, YV. 2016. Soil organic phosphorus fractions in response to long term fertilization with composted manures under rice-wheat cropping system. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 39(9):1336-1347(NAAS IF 6.75)
Gaind, S and Singh, YV. 2016. Short-Term Impact of Organic Fertilization and Seasonal Variations on Enzymes and Microbial Indices Under Rice–Wheat Rotation. Clean – Soil, Air, Water 44 (10), 1396–1404 (NAAS IF 7.51)
Meena, R.K and Singh, Y.V. 2018. Effect of green organic mulching and nitrogen management on productivity, N use efficiency and profitability of Basmati aerobic rice (Oryza sativa). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 88 (3): 410–5 (NAAS IF 6.25)
Singh, Y.V and Gaind, S. 2019. Inorganic phosphorus fractions and crop productivity in response to different rates of phosphate solubilising fungi Penicillium bilaii. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 89 (2): 238-245 (NAAS IF 6.25)
Madar, Raghavendra., Singh, Y.V., Meena, M. C., Das, T. K., Gaind, S and Verma, R. K. 2020. Potassium and Residue Management Options to Enhance Productivity and Soil Quality in Zero Till Maize–Wheat Rotation. Clean – Soil, Air, Water 48, 1900316 DOI: 10.1002/clen.201900316 (NAAS IF 7.51)
Sneha GR, Govindsamy V, Singh PK, Sarvendra Kumar and Abraham G (2024) Priming of seeds with cyanobacteria improved tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) during post- germinative drought stress. Accepted in Journal of Applied Phycology. https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s10811-023-03170-1. (IF: 3. 3)
Sneha GR, Annayya, Hembrom BB, Varghese E, Yadav RK and Abraham G (2023) Screening and selection of Anabaena sp. for desiccation tolerance through physiological parameters and multivariate analysis Journal of Applied Phycology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10811-023-02942-z (IF: 3. 3)
Yadav RK, Ramteke PW, Tripathi KN, Varghese E and Abraham G (2022) Salinity induced alterations in the growth and cellular ion content of Azolla caroliniana and Azolla microphylla J. Plant Growth Regulation. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00344-022-10594-5 (IF: 4.8)
Yadav RK, Tripathi KN, Varghese E and Abraham G (2021) Physiological and proteomic studies of the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. acclimated to desiccation stress Current Microbiology, 78: 2429-2439 (IF: 2.188).
Reddy YP, Yadav RK Tripathi KN and Abraham G (2019) Isolation and characterization of high temperature tolerant mutant from the cyanobacterium Anabaena doliolum J. Basic Microbiology 59: 314-322. DOI: 10.1002/jobm.201800447 (IF: 3.1)
Preeti Thagela, Ravindra Kumar Yadav, Vagish Mishra, Keshwanand Tripathi Altaf Ahmad, Anil Dahuja, Pawan Kumar Singh and Abraham G (2018) Salinity induced changes in the chloroplast proteome of the aquatic pteridophyte Azolla microphylla. Symbiosis 75(1): 61-67.DOI 10.1007/s13199-016-0521-2 (IF: 3.029).
Thagela P, Yadav RK, Mishra V, Tripathi KN, Ahmad A, Dahuja A, Singh PK and Abraham G (2017) Sample preparation method for tissue based proteomic analysis of Azolla microphylla. Symbiosis 72 (3): 207–214 DOI 10.1007/s13199-016-0463-2 (IF: 3.029)
. Thagela P, Yadav RK, Mishra V, Dahuja A, Ahmad A, Singh PK, Tiwari BS and Abraham G (2017) Salinity induced inhibition of growth in the aquatic pteridophyte Azolla microphylla primarily involves inhibition of photosynthetic components and signalling molecules as revealed by proteome analysis Protoplasma 254 (1): 303-313 (IF: 3.186)
Yadav RK, Thagela P, Tripathi KN and Abraham G (2016) Physiological and proteomic analysis of salinity tolerance of the halotolerant cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 32: 147-158 (IF: 4.253)
Yadav RK, Tripathi KN, Ramteke PW, Varghese E, and Abraham G (2016) Salinity induced physiological and biochemical changes in the freshly separated cyanobionts of Azolla microphylla and Azolla caroliniana. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 106: 39-45 (IF: 5.437)
Sneha GR, Swarnalakshmi K, Sharma M. Reddy K, Bhoumik A, Suman A, Kannepalli A (2021) Soil type influence nutrient availability, microbial metabolic diversity, eubacterial and diazotroph abundance in chickpea rhizosphere. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 37: 167
Swarnalakshmi K, Rajkhowa S, Pooniya V, Kannepalli A (2021) Endophytic bacteria improve mesorhizobial nodulation, plant growth and yield in chickpea (Cicer arietinum). The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 91(7): 22-26.
Sharma R, Pooniya V, Bisaria VS, Swarnalakshmi K, Sharma S (2020) Bioinoculants play a significant role in shaping the rhizospheric microbial community: a field study with Cajanus cajan. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 36 (3):1-17.
Erika C, Livio A, Sessitsch A, Christoph H, Markus P, Siegrid W, Swarnalakshmi K, Gunter B (2020) Comparative genomics of Microbacterium species to reveal diversity, potential for secondary metabolites and heavy metal resistance. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11: 1869.
Swarnalakshmi K, Yadav V, Tyagi D, Dhar DW, Kannepalli A, Kumar S (2020). Significance of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in grain legumes: growth promotion and crop production. Plants, 9(11):1596.
Sharma R, Paliwal JS, Chopra P, Dogra D, Pooniya V, Bisaria VS, Swarnalakshmi K, Sharma S (2017) Survival, efficacy and rhizospheric effects of bacterial inoculants on Cajanus cajan. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 240: 244–252.
Swarnalakshmi K, Pooniya V and Paul S (2017) Synergistic interaction of Piriformospora indica and microbial inoculants on symbiotic potential, plant nutrition and productivity of chickpea (Cicer arietinum). Indian Journal of Agronomy 62 (4): 481–488.
Gopalakrishnan S, Singh M, Swarnalakshmi K, Srinivas V, Rathore A, Upadhyaya HD, Basu PS, Chaturvedi SK.(2017) Assessment of nodulation potential in mini-core genotypes and land races of Chickpea. Journal of Food Legumes, 30(2): 65-72.
Swarnalakshmi K, Gopalakrishnan S, Singh M, Pooniya V, Srinivas V, Chaturvedi SK (2017) Interactive effect of phosphorus fertilization and rhizobial inoculation on symbiotic and growth potential of selected chickpea cultivars. Seed Research, 45(2): 111-118.
Swarnalakshmi K, Yadav V, Senthilkumar M, Dhar DW (2016) Biofertilizers for higher pulse production in India: Scope, accessibility and challenges. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61: S173-S181.
Ramakrishnan B, Venkateswarlu K, Sethunathan N and Megharaj M (2019) Local applications but global implications: Can pesticides drive microorganisms to develop antimicrobial resistance? Science of the Total Environment 654: 177-189. (NAAS-S019; 11.59)
Ramakrishnan B, Megharaj M, Venkateswarlu K, Sethunathan N, Naidu R (2011) Mixtures of Environmental Pollutants: Effects on microorganisms and their activities in soils. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 211: 63-120. (NAAS-R055;11.46)
Ramakrishnan B, Megharaj M, Venkateswarlu K, Naidu R, Sethunathan N (2010) The impacts of environmental pollutants on microalgae and cyanobacteria. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 40: 699-821. (NAAS-C149;11.98)
Nayak P, Patel D, Ramakrishnan B*, Mishra AK, Samantaray RN (2009) Long-term application effects of chemical fertilizer and compost on soil carbon under intensive rice-rice cultivation. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 83:259-269. (NAAS-N070;8.85)
Rath AK, Ramakrishnan B*, Rao VR, Sethunathan N (2005) Effects of rice-straw and phosphorus application on production and emission of methane from tropical rice soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 168: 248-254. (NAAS-J426; 8.06)
Ramakrishnan B, Leueders T, Dunfield PF, Conrad R, Friedrich MW (2001) Archaeal community structures in rice soils from different geographical regions before and after initiation of methane production. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 37: 175-186. (NAAS-F004;10.10)
Kumaraswamy S, Ramakrishnan B*, Sethunathan N (2001) Methane production and oxidation in an anoxic rice soil as influenced by inorganic redox species. Journal of Environmental Quality 30: 2195-2201. (NAAS-J196; 8.58)
Ramakrishnan B, Leueders T, Conrad R, Friedrich M (2000) Effect of soil aggregate size on methanogenesis and archaeal community structure in anoxic paddy soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 32: 261-270. (NAAS-F004;10.10)
Kumaraswamy S, Rath, AK, Ramakrishnan B*, Sethunathan N (2000) Wetland rice soils as sources and sinks of methane: a review and prospects for research. Biology and Fertility of Soils 31: 449-461. (NAAS-B092;10.83)
Rath AK, Swain B, Ramakrishnan B*, Panda D, Adhya TK, Rao VR and Sethunathan N (1999) Influence of fertilizer management and water regime on methane emission from rice fields. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 76: 99-107. (NAAS-A106;9.95)
Seema Sangwan and R Singh (2018). Synergistic effect of oats and LGG fermented milk on lowering hypercholesterolemia in rats. Journal of Cereal Science. 82: 164-169.
Seema Sangwan and Radha Prasanna (2021). Mycorrhizae Helper Bacteria: Unlocking Their Potential as Bioenhancers of Plant�Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Associations. Microbial Ecology. 1-10
Grover M., Bodhankar S., Sharma A., Sharma P., Singh J. and Nain L. (2021). PGPR mediated alterations in root traits: Way toward sustainable crop production. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. Published: January 08, 2021 4:618230. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2020.618230
Bodhankar, S., Grover, M., Hemanth, S., Reddy, G., Rasul, S., Yadav, S. K., Desai, S., Mallappa, M., Mandapaka, M., & Srinivasarao, C. (2017). Maize seed endophytic bacteria: Dominance of antagonistic, lytic enzyme-producing Bacillus spp. 3 Biotech, 7(4), 232. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-017-0860-0
Grover M, Maheswari M, Desai S, Gopinath KA, Venkateswarlu B (2015). Elevated CO2: Plant associated microorganisms and carbon sequestration. Appl Soil Ecol 95:73-85
Grover M., Madhubala R., Ali Sk Z., Yadav S.K., Venkateswarlu B. (2014). Influence of Bacillus spp. strains on seedling growth and physiological parameters of sorghum under moisture stress conditions. J Basic Microbiol. 54(9):951-61
Grover M., Ali Sk. Z., Sandhya V., Rasul A. and Venkateswarlu B. (2010). Role of Microorganisms in Adaptation of Agriculture Cope to Abiotic Stresses. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 25(7): 1231-1240
Grover M., Nain L., Singh, S.B., Saxena A.K. (2010) Molecular and biochemical approaches for characterization of antifungal trait of a potent biocontrol agent Bacillus subtilis RP24. Curr. Microbiol. 60: 99-106
Sandhya V., Sk.Z.Ali, Grover M., Reddy G. and Venkateswarlu B. (2010). Effect of plant growth promoting Pseudomonas spp. on compatible solutes, antioxidant status and plant growth of maize under drought stress. Plant Growth Regu. 62:21�30
Ali Sk. Z., Sandhya V., Grover M., Kishore N., Rao L.V., Venkateswarlu B. (2009). Pseudomonas sp. strain AKM-P6 enhances tolerance of sorghum seedlings to elevated temperatures. Biol Fert. Soil. 46: 45-55.
Yaadesh S, Tomar GS, Kaushik R, Prasanna R, Grover M. 2023. Azospirillum-Bacillus associations: synergistic effects on in vitro PGP traits and growth of pearl millet at early seedling stage under limited moisture conditions. 3 Biotech 13(3):90. doi: 10.1007/s13205-023-03503-4.
Jayasurya A, Grover M (2023). Studies on endurance of Azospirillum formosense strains to osmotic stress, underlying mechanisms and modulation of early stage Pearl millet growth. Appied Biochemistry and Microbiology DOI:10.1134/s0003683823020023
V Govindasamy, P George, L Aher, M Kumar, SK Raina, J Rane, K Annapurna and PS Minhas (2020) Multi-trait PGP rhizobacterial endophytes alleviate drought stress in a senescent genotype of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. 3 Biotech (DOI: 10.1007/s13205-019-2001-4) [NAAS: 7.80 & IF: 1.789].
SV Ramesh, V Govindasamy, MK Rajesh, AA Sabana, Shelly Praveen (2019) Stress-responsive miRNAome of Glycine max (L.) Merrill: molecular insights and way forward. Planta 249(5): 1267-1284 (doi.org/10.1007/s00425-019-03114-5) [NAAS: 9.35 & IF: 3.347].
K Annapurna, V Govindasamy, M Sharma, A Gosh, SK Chikara (2018). Whole genome shotgun sequence of Bacillus paralicheniformis strain KMS 80, a rhizobacterial endophyte isolated from rice (Oryza sativa L.). 3 Biotech. 8:223. [NAAS: 7.80 & IF: 1.789].
Maheshkumar, V Govindasamy, J Rane, AK Singh, RL Choudhary, LK Aher, P George, NP Singh (2017). Canopy temperature depression (CTD) and canopy greenness associated with variation in seed yield of soybean genotypes grown in semi-arid environment. South African Journal of Botany 113: 230-238 [NAAS: 7.49 & IF: 1.491].
V Govindasamy, P George, LK Aher, SV Ramesh, A Thangasamy, S Anandan, SK Raina, M Kumar, J Rane, K Annapurna and PS Minhas (2017) Comparative conventional and phenomics approach to assess symbiotic effectiveness of bradyrhizobia strains in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] to drought. Nature-Scientific Reports (DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-06441-3) [NAAS: 11.23 & IF: 5.229].
V Govindasamy, SK Raina, P George, M Kumar, J Rane, PS Minhas and KPR Vittal (2017). Functional and phylogenetic diversity of cultivable rhizobacterial endophytes of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 110: 925�943 (DOI: 10.1007/s10482-017-0864-0). (NAAS: 7.94; IF: 1.944).
Maheshkumar, SK Raina, V Govindasamy, AK Singh, RL Choudhary, J Rane and PS Minhas (2017). Assimilates mobilization, stable canopy temperature and expression of expansin stabilizes grain weight in wheat cultivar LOK-1 under different soil moisture conditions. Botanical Studies 58:14 (DOI 10.1186/s40529- 017-0169-7) [NAAS: 7.95 & IF: 1.949].
U Kumar P Panneerselvam, V Govindasamy, L Vithalkumar, M Senthilkumar, A Banik and K Annapurna (2017) Long-term aromatic rice cultivation effect on frequency and diversity of diazotrophs in its rhizosphere. Ecological Engineering 101: 227�236 [NAAS: 9.41 & IF: 3.406].
SK Raina, V Govindasamy, M Kumar, AK Singh, J Rane and PS Minhas (2016) Genetic variation in physiological responses of mungbeans [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] to drought. Acta Physiol. Plant.38 (11): 263-275 [NAAS: 7.93 & IF: 1.927].
V Govindasamy, M Senthilkumar and K Annapurna (2015) Effect of mustard rhizobacteria on wheat growth promotion under cadmium stress: characterization of acdS gene coding ACC deaminase. Annals of Microbiology 65(3): 1679-1687 [NAAS: 7.60 & IF: 1.596].
M.Mondal, A.Ghosh, Tiwari, O.N., K. Gayen, Papita Das, M.K. Mandal, G. Halder (2017): Influence of carbon sources and light intensity on biomass and lipid production of Chlorella sorokiniana BTA 9031 isolated from coalfield under various nutritional modes. Energy Conversion and Management. Vol. 145: 247-254. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2017.05.001 (Impact factor 9.71) (NAAS IF 15.71)
P. Choudhury, U.S.Prasad Uday, N. Mahata, Tiwari, O.N., R. N. Ray, T.K. Bandyopadhyay, B. Bhunia (2017): Performance improvement of microbial fuel cells for waste water treatment along with value addition: A review on past achievements and recent perspectives. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2017.05.098 (Impact factor 14.98) (NAAS IF 20.98)
A.Ghosh, S.Khanra, M.Mondal, G.Halder, Tiwari, O.N., T.K. Bhowmick and K.(2017): Effect of macronutrient supplements on growth and biochemical compositions in photoautotrophic cultivation of isolated Asterarcys sp. (BTA9034). Energy Conversion and Management. Vol. 149: 39-51. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2017.07.015 (Impact factor 9.71) (NAAS IF 15.71)
B.Bhunia, U.S.P. Uday, G. Oinam, A. Mondal, T.K. Bandyopadhyay, Tiwari, O.N. (2018): Characterization, genetic regulation and production of cyanobacterial exopolysaccharides and its applicability for heavy metal removal. Carbohydrate Polymers. Vol. 179: 228–243.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j. carbpol. 2017.09.091(Impact factor 9.38) (NAAS IF 15.38)
K. Raj K, Usha R. Sardar, E. Bhargavi, Indrama Devi, B.Bhunia, Tiwari, O.N. (2018): Advances in exopolysaccharides based bioremediation of heavy metals in soil and water: A critical review. Carbohydrate Polymers. Vol. 199: 353–364. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol. 2018.07.037 (Impact factor 9.38) (NAAS IF 15.38)
Tiwari, O.N., B.Bhunia, A.Mondal, K.Gopikrishna, T.Indrama (2019): System metabolic engineering of exopolysaccharide-producing cyanobacteria in soil rehabilitation by inducing the formation of biological soil crusts: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 211:70-82. https://doi.org/10.1016 /j.jclepro.2018.11.188 (Impact factor 9.23) (NAAS IF 15.23)
Tiwari, O.N., B. Bhunia, T. K. Bandyopadhyay and Gunapati Oinam (2019): Strategies for improved induction of lipid in Leptolyngbya sp. BTA 287 for biodiesel production. Fuel. Vol. 256: 115896. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2019.115896 (Impact factor 6.61) (NAAS IF 12.61)
R. Sharma, B. Bhunia, A. Mondal, T.K. Bandyopadhyay, I. Devi, G.i Oinam, R.Prasanna, G. Abraham,Tiwari, O.N. (2020). Statistical optimization of process parameters for improvement of phycobiliproteins (PBPs) yield using ultrasound-assisted extraction and its kinetic study. Ultrasonics – Sonochemistry. Vol. 60: 104762. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultsonch. 2019. (Impact factor7.49) (NAAS IF 14.49)
Onkar Nath Tiwari, B.Bhunia,, M.Muthuraj, T.K.Bandyopadhyay, D. Ghosh, K. Gopikrishna ( 2020). Optimization of process parameters on lipid biosynthesis for sustainable biodiesel production and evaluation of its fuel characteristics. Fuel 269 117471 https://doi.org/10.1016/j. fuel. 2020.117471. (Impact factor 6.61) (NAAS IF 12.61)
S. Majee, G. Halder, D.Dasgupta Mandal, O.N. Tiwari, T.Mandal (2021). Transforming wet blue leather and potato peel into an eco-friendly bio-organic NPK fertilizer for intensifying crop productivity and retrieving value-added recyclable chromium salts. Journal of Hazardous Materials 411. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.125046. (Impact factor 10.59 (NAAS IF 16.59)
Jaiswal P, Jha SN, Kaur, J., Borah A and Ramya HG (2018). Detection of Aflatoxin M1 in Milk using Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analyses. Food Chemistry http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.07.150. Food Chemistry 238 (2018) 209-214. (NAAS score- 14.50).
Jaiswal P, Jha SN, Kaur, J. and Borah A (2017) Detection and quantification of anionic detergent (lissapol) in milk using Attenuated total reflectance - Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Food Chemistry 221: 815-821 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.11.095 ( NAAS score: 14.50).
Behl K, Jaiswal P*, Pabbi S (2024). Recent advances in microbial and nano-formulations for effective delivery and agriculture sustainability. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 58: 103180,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bcab.2024.103180 (NAAS score: 9.40)
Jaiswal P, Jha SN, Borah A, Gautam A, Grewal MK and Jindal G. (2015). Detection and quantification of soymilk in cow-buffalo milk using attenuated Total reflectance fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). Food Chemistry. 168: 41-47 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.07.010. (NAAS score: 14.50).
Jaiswal P, Jha SN and Bharadwaj R.( 2012). Nondestructive prediction of quality of intact banana using spectroscopy. Scientia Horticulturae. 135: 14-22. (NAAS score: 9.90)
Jaiswal P, Prasanna R and Singh PK. (2011). Characterization of the Biocidal Spectrum of Extracellular Filtrates of Microcystis aeruginosa. Indian J Microbiology. 51: 509-514. (NAAS score: 8.10)
Jaiswal P, Kashyap AK, Prasanna R and Singh PK. (2010). Evaluating the potential of N. calcicola and its bicarbonate resistant mutant as bioameleorating agents for usar soil. Indian J Microbiol. 50: 12-18. (NAAS score: 8.10)
Jaiswal P, Singh PK and Prasanna R. (2008). Cyanobacterial bioactive molecules - an overview of their "cidal" properties: A review. Can J Microbiol. 54: 701-717. ( NAAS score: 7.80)
Jaiswal P, Prasanna R and Kashyap AK. (2005). Modulation of carbonic anhydrase activity in two nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria Nostoc calcicola and Anabaena sp. Journal of Plant Physiol. 162: 1087-1094. ( NAAS score: 10.00)
Jaiswal P and Kashyap AK. (2002). Isolation and characterization of mutants of two diazotrophic cyanobacteria tolerant to elevated inorganic carbon levels. Microbiological Research. 157: 83-91. ( NAAS score: 12.10)
Gulab Singh Yadav, Subhash Babu, Anup Das, S.N. Bhowmik, Mrinmoy Datta & Raghavendra Singh (2019): Soil carbon dynamics and productivity of rice–rice system under conservation tillage in submerged and unsubmerged ecologies of Eastern Indian Himalaya, Carbon Management, DOI: 10.1080/17583004.2018.1545518
G. S. Yadav, R. Lal, R. S. Meena, S. Babu, A Das, S. N. Bhowmik, M. Datta, J. Layak, P. Saha (2017) Conservation tillage and nutrient management effects on productivity and soil carbon sequestration under double cropping of rice in north eastern region of India. Ecological Indicators, http;//dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.08.071
G. S. Yadav, R. Datta, S. I. Pathan, R. Lal, R. S. Meena, S. Babu, A Das, S. N. Bhowmik, M. Datta, P. Saha and P. K. Mishra (2017) Effects of conservation tillage and nutrient management practices on soil fertility and productivity of rice (Oryza sativa L.)-rice system in North Eastern Region of India. Sustainability , 9:1816; doi: 10.3390/su9101816
S. N. Bhowmik, Gulab Singh Yadav and Mrinmay Datta (2015) Rapid mass multiplication of Glomus mosseae inoculum as influenced by some biotic and abiotic factors. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 44: 209-214
S. N. Bhowmik (2015) Effect of most-probable-number method and plate count methods on fungal population density at different pH of assay medium. Bangladesh Journal of Botany. 44: 315-317
G. S. Yadav, M. Datta, S. Babu, A. Das, S. N. Bhowmik, H. Ranebennur, C. Debnath, P. Saha (2015) Effect of tillage and crop-establishment techniques on productivity, profitability and soil health under maize (Zea mays)–maize–field pea (Pisum sativum) cropping system. Indian Journal of Agronomy 60: 360-364.
S. N. Bhowmik, M. R. Manikantan, Deepika Goswami, Gulab Singh Yadav (2014) Effect of some culture extracts of Aspergillus oryzae on dehulling properties of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.). African Journal of Microbiology Research. 8: 3960-3968
G. S. Yadav, M. Datta, S. Babu, C. Debnath, S. N. Bhowmik, M. A. Ansarim and S. V. Ngachan (2014) Effect of zero tillage basin planting and N nutrition on growth, yield, water productivity and nitrogen use efficiency of late planted broccoli in North East Hilly Region of India. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 84 (11): 1434-7
S. N. Bhowmik, S. Balasubramanian and D. N. Yadav (2013) Influence of most-probable-number method and container perforation numbers on fungal population density during tempeh production. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 83 (8): 889–92
D. N. Yadav, K. K. Singh, S. N. Bhowmik and R. T. Patil (2010) Development of peanut milk–based fermented curd. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 45, 2650–2658
Mishra B. K., Dubey P N, Aishwath O P, Kant Krishna, Sharma Y K and Vishal M K (2017). Effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on coriander (Coriandrum sativum) growth and yield under semi-arid condition of India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 87 (5): 607–612.
Mishra B.K., Dubey P.N. and Kant K. (2017). Molecular diversity of rhizobial isolates of horse gram [Macrotyloma uniflorum [Lam] Verdc.] and it’s biochemical characterization under in-vitro conditions. Legume Research 40(1):87-93.
B K Mishra, Balraj Singh, J K Ranjan, P N Dubey, K Kant and Arunabh Joshi (2016). Effect of native strains of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on growth and yield of Isabgol (Plantago ovata). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 86 (10): 1280–1285.
B K Mishra, Kamlesh Kumar Meena, P.N. Dubey, O.P. Aishwath, Krishna Kant, Ajay M. Sorty, U. Bitla (2016). Influence on yield and quality of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) grown under semi-arid saline soil, due to application of native phosphate solubilizing rhizobacterial isolates, Ecological Engineering, 97:327-333.
Mishra BK, Jain NK, Sharma KC and Kumar S (2013). Storage stability of ready- to- serve beverage from Mahua (Madhuca indica) flowers. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70 (3):459-462.
BK Mishra, Virendra Yadav, MK Vishal and Krishna Kant (2013). Physiological and molecular characterization of clusterbean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub] rhizobia isolated from different areas of Rajasthan, India. Legume Research, 36 (4): 299 – 305.
Mishra B. K. and Lata (2007). Effect of co-inoculum of white- rot fungi Phanerochaete chrysosporium and cellulolytic bacterium Cellulomonas cellulans on paddy straw composting. Indian Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 77(9): 621-625.
Mishra B. K., Pandey A. and Lata (2007). Lignocellulolytic Enzyme Production from Submerged Fermentation of Paddy Straw. Indian Journal of Microbiology, 47:176-179.
Mishra B.K., Arora A., and Lata (2004). Optimization of a Biological Process for Treating Potato Chips Industry Wastewater using a Mixed Culture of Aspergillus foetidus and Aspergillus niger. Bioresource Technology 94: 9-12.
Mishra B. K., Arora A., and Lata (2003). Use of amylolytic cultures of Aspergillus for treatment of waste water from potato processing. Indian Journal of Microbiology 43 (1): 57-59